Quill - Another Great Standalone Javascript Rich Text Editor
Send Friendly Upgrade Browser Notice to Visitors with OutdatedBrowser.js
Add to Homescreen Javascript & WordPress Plugins
Shine.js - A Library for Pretty Realistic Shadows
Magic CSS3 Animations by miniMAC
LocalStorage Made Easy with store.js
Simple Loading Spinners Animated with CSS3
Summernote - A Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Twitter Bootstrap
Create iOS7 Slick and Minimal Switches with Switchery
MightySlider - Powerful, Limitless and Fully Responsive jQuery Slider
Beautify Boring Footnotes with jQuery Bigfoot
Glide - The Lightweight and Feature-Packed Responsive Slider
Odometer - Transition Numbers with Ease
Gridly - Drag and Drop Grid Layout Made Simple
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