Add to Homescreen Javascript & WordPress Plugins

Written by Kevin Liew on 21 May 2014
50,588 Views • Javascript

iOS and Android are ruling the smartphone world. In the same time, websites are designed to display nicely on smartphones. We have dedicated mobile website and even the most popular solution - responsive web design. So, what else can we do to make it even more "mobile-compatibled"?

Introducing "Add to Homescreen"! :) A small little plugin to remind your visitor to bookmark your website and add it as an icon on theirs smartphone's homescreen. Once installed, there will be a prominent Add to homescreen tooltip being displayed right above the devices' bookmark icon.

Another great thing is, this plugin has a WordPress plugin version too. There are so many WordPress websites with responsive design, and this plugin will activate this nifty bookmark feature with just a few clicks.


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1 comment
Alex 9 years ago

I've tried using the plugin on but can't get it working. I don't think it's supported anymore.