Shine.js - A Library for Pretty Realistic Shadows

Written by Kevin Liew on 14 May 2014
45,780 Views • Javascript

CS3 Box Shadow has been a really good addition to CSS effect. I remember last time before CSS3 was introduced, it's a pain to convert design with shadow into proper HTML and CSS. You will need to slice the corners of the shadow..... I don't want to go back there again.

Previously I have mentioned a plugin called Real shadow, it's a jQuery plugin that casts photorealistic shadows. This time, we have another plugin that does something similar, it's called - shine.js

Shine.js creates pretty shadow, not just the plain box-shadow, but shadow that reacts to the element itself. It's a standalone Javascript with easy to customize shadows and light positions. It only works in browsers that support text-shadow and box-shadow.


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