For most designers and developers, Lorem Ipsum isn't a stranger to all of us. Well, I know how to write the first sentence without generator! Lorem Ipsum is the industry standard of dummy text, we use it as "fake copy" before we pump in the real content, so we can see how the design would look like with those dummy text
Well, a lot of people start complaining about Lorem Ipsum, some says we shouldn't use Lorem Ipsum, and other found it boring, thus here I found some of the most creative dummy text generators. Have fun with it, and some of them, I don't really recommend you to use it :p
Bacon Ipsum
Make your Lorem Ipsum a little bit more meatier! This dummy text generator creates words and paragraphs with bacons and fillets.
NSFW. Samuel Jackson Ipsum. It comes with different versions. From less offensive to highly vulgar words. Don't think you want to use this to mess around with your clients. Unless they are Samuel Jackson's fan.
Veggie Ipsum
Soemthing like Bacon, this is the vegetarian lorem ipsum generator
Bogan Ipsum
Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi! Yet another pretty cool Lorem Ipsum generator with a touch of Australia slangs.
Generate real paragraphs and come with a few variations and configuration for the output.
This text generator has been developed based on years of careful research and is guaranteed to improve even the most lacklustre of designs.
Adhesion Text
Adhesion text is a little bit different from the rest. It generates dummy text based on characters submitted by users.
Tuna Ipsum
Same with Bacon, but it's tuna
Beer Ipsum
You've bacon and veggies, now it's beer time!
Liquor Ipsum
... and... liquor!
Gangsta Lorem Ipsum Generator
Blind Text Generator
Blind Text Generator has the most features. You can choose different dummy text, also, it come with a measurement tool.
THis would be the standard Lorem Ipsum generator.
HTML Ipsum
HTML Ipsum is different kind of Lorem Ipsum. It comes with different HTML structure plus dummy text for easy copy and paste.
Hipster Ipsum
and... Hipster Ipsum!
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will be added to all links. You can wrap your coding with[code][/code]
to make use of built-in syntax highlighter. outputs creed lyrics for goodness sakes.
I created a Lorem Ipsum generator for startups. See