Create a Custom jQuery Image Gallery with jCarousel

Written by Kevin Liew on 20 Apr 2010
193,686 Views • Tutorials


Alright fellow web designers and developers. We are going to do something a little bit more hardcore this time. There are heaps of jQuery plugins out there, but it's hard to find something that suit us. So, this tutorial will teach you how to be creative and create a customize plugin.

If you have read this post - Single Page Websites With Creative Javascript Effects. You will able to see that, it's quite a popular trend that most of the designers showcase theirs work by using a vertical/horizontal carousel. So, in this tutorial, we will learn how to build an unique jQuery script by modifying other plugin - create a Image gallery with jCarousel. A picture tells thousand words, we are going to transform jCarousel to this:

jCarousel Mod

1. jCarousel - the jQuery carousel plugin

First of all, let me introduce this robust plugin we are about to integrate into this image gallery. jCarousel plugin is fully configurable, and most importantly, I have tested it on different browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, Safari, Chrome and firefox, it's proven works perfectly. With the following configuration, we will get a vertical carousel:

//jCarousel Plugin
	vertical: true, //orientation of the carousel, in this case we use vertical
	scroll: 1, //the number of items to scroll by
	auto: 2, //the interval of scrolling
	wrap: 'last', //wrap at last item and jump back to the start
	initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback	//we will use this to further enhance the behavior of this carousel

Also, you will have to modify the CSS file for jCarousel as well. I can't go into this details, because the CSS file is quite straight forward. So, in the end, this would be the result from the configuration above and also the customized css files. Please note, the following layout on the left hand side is the default jCarousel layout.

jCarousel Layout

For more configuration, please refer to Sorgalla's jCarousel Documentation


Don't freak out by the length of the HTML, it's basically two UL lists.

  • #slideshow-main: This UL list has a little bit of styling. It has a caption area above a faded background
  • #slidehow-carousel: This is where the jCarousel is located. Just a simple UL list with each link have a REL that will point to the #slideshow-main item.
<div id="welcomeHero">
	<div id="slideshow-main">
			<li class="p1 active">
				<a href="#">
					<img data-src="images/1_big.gif" width="430" height="290" alt=""/>
					<span class="opacity"></span>
					<span class="content"><h1>Title 1</h1><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p></span>
			<li class="p2">
				<a href="#">
					<img data-src="images/2_big.gif" width="430" height="290" alt=""/>
					<span class="opacity"></span>
					<span class="content"><h1>Title 2</h1><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p></span>
			<li class="p3">
				<a href="#">
					<img data-src="images/3_big.gif" width="430" height="290" alt=""/>
					<span class="opacity"></span>
					<span class="content"><h1>Title 3</h1><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p></span>

	<div id="slideshow-carousel">				
		  <ul id="carousel" class="jcarousel jcarousel-skin-tango">
			<li><a href="#" rel="p1"><img data-src="images/1.gif" width="206" height="95" alt="#"/></a></li>
			<li><a href="#" rel="p2"><img data-src="images/2.gif" width="206" height="95" alt="#"/></a></li>
			<li><a href="#" rel="p3"><img data-src="images/3.gif" width="206" height="95" alt="#"/></a></li>
	<div class="clear"></div>

3. CSS

CSS is a little bit more complicated in this tutorial so I have included a brief layout to show the IDs and Classes.

However, you will have to make some changes to the jCarousel css jquery.jcarousel.css and skin.css. Note: if you grab a fresh copy from jCarousel website, it will have more complicated skin files and folder layout, the one I have included in the download is a simplified version.

Main layout
body {

img {

/* Styling up the image gallery */

#slideshow-main {

#slideshow-main ul {

#slideshow-main li {

#slideshow-main {
	display:block !important;

#slideshow-main li span.opacity {
	bottom:0; left:0;
	-khtml-opacity: 0.5; 
	opacity: 0.5;

#slideshow-main li span.content {
	bottom:0; left:0;

#slideshow-main li span.content h1 {
	margin:5px 0;
	padding:0 10px;;

#slideshow-main li span.content p {
	margin:5px 0;
	padding:0 10px;;

/* Styling up the carousel */

#slideshow-carousel {

#slideshow-carousel ul {

#slideshow-carousel li {

#slideshow-carousel li .arrow {
	background:url(images/arrow_white.png) no-repeat 0 0; 

#slideshow-carousel li a {

#slideshow-carousel .active {
	-khtml-opacity: 1.0; 
	opacity: 1.0;

#slideshow-carousel .faded {
	-khtml-opacity: 0.5; 
	opacity: 0.5;

4. Javascript

We don't have to worry about the carousel, because it's quite stable. What we need to do with the jCarousel is to adjust the setting such as the speed, layout and behavior. For more setting, you can refer to jCarousel official documentation.

Other than that, most of them are basic jQuery script with hover and click events. I have added inline comments and I believe that will help.

$(document).ready(function () {
	//jCarousel Plugin
		vertical: true,	//display vertical carousel
		scroll: 1,	//auto scroll
		auto: 2,	//the speed of scrolling
		wrap: 'last',	//go back to top when reach last item
		initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback	//extra called back function

	//Front page Carousel - Initial Setup
	//set all the item to full opacity
   	$('div#slideshow-carousel a img').css({'opacity': '0.5'});
   	//readjust the first item to 50% opacity
   	$('div#slideshow-carousel a img:first').css({'opacity': '1.0'});
   	//append the arrow to the first item
   	$('div#slideshow-carousel li a:first').append('')

  	//Add hover and click event to each of the item in the carousel
    $('div#slideshow-carousel li a').hover(
       	function () {
        	//check to make sure the item is not selected
       		if (!$(this).has('span').length) {
       			//reset all the item's opacity to 50%
        		$('div#slideshow-carousel li a img').stop(true, true).css({'opacity': '0.5'});
        		//adust the current selected item to full opacity
   	    		$(this).stop(true, true).children('img').css({'opacity': '1.0'});
       	function () {
        	//on mouse out, reset all the item back to 50% opacity
       		$('div#slideshow-carousel li a img').stop(true, true).css({'opacity': '0.5'});
       		//reactivate the selected item by loop through them and look for the one
       		//that has the span arrow
       		$('div#slideshow-carousel li a').each(function () {
				//found the span and reset the opacity back to full opacity
       			if ($(this).has('span').length) $(this).children('img').css({'opacity': '1.0'});

	).click(function () {

		//remove the span.arrow
	    //append it to the current item        
		//remove the active class from the slideshow main
		$('div#slideshow-main li').removeClass('active');
		//display the main image by appending active class to it.        
       	$('div#slideshow-main li.' + $(this).attr('rel')).addClass('active');	
       	return false;


//Carousel Tweaking
function mycarousel_initCallback(carousel) {
	// Pause autoscrolling if the user moves with the cursor over the clip.
	// resume otherwise
	carousel.clip.hover(function() {
	}, function() {


This is a fairly complicated tutorial I have ever made, if you have any question at all, please drop me a comment, I will give you a hand and try my best to help you. I applied this script to a commercial website and it's well tested accross different browser such as IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and even iPhone Safari. They all behave the same and look identical.

I hope you will get something out of this tutorial, grab a plugin, customize it and build a unique jQuery script that everyone would envious about it. :)

Demo Download
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dlv 14 years ago
one more time Kevin, excellent job !!... you make things really really simple,
I apreciate your time and knowledge to teach us this awesome things provided by jQuery

Queness is by far my favorite jquery website, I follow you almost every day through rss using Freedly !!

I'm happy to see here new and new jquery resources and tutorials provided by you, as I said before, Is a little bit more easy to me to understand the code (I don't want to be a developer, I just want to know how things hapend jejee)

thanks, good luck
adeux freom Argentina !
Kevin Admin 14 years ago
Hello my friend :) thanks for your comment and that will keep me motivated to produce more tutorials :)
Ben 14 years ago
Yeh f*ckn oath - this site is always the first site i go to for my jquery requirements..

keep up the good work mate
iglesia ni cristo 14 years ago
thanks for the post. I am an slideshow coder.
sunglasses wholesale 14 years ago
nice amazing image slideshow.
art news 14 years ago
i like art well
Paulius Rasytinis 14 years ago
Easy to follow instructions! thanks a lot
kevin Admin 14 years ago
Great! I was a bit worry that it too hard to follow :)
Sunny 14 years ago
Hi, I'm just starting out with everything -- an absolute happy to have found your site & excellent tutorials!

I found a carousel that would fit perfect for my needs on the homepage of: Simple & clean. I only wish it had pause over hover. Is it possible that you could give me some direction on how to put that carousel into an existing stylesheet? I'm kinda lost on how to make it fit into a specific place on my page & where to insert the code within the existing codes.

Thank you so much!
etabeta 14 years ago
Thanks a lot for this post, but how do I add a fade effect in # slideshow-main li ?
Stuart@DM 14 years ago
This is great - thank you! Can any of the js be moved into a separate file?
John 14 years ago
Hi, great stuff! Looking forward to tweaking this and putting into action. Do you know of an easy way to make the slideshow fire (change images) when jcarousel scrolls? Thanks
Mike 14 years ago
Fantastic easy to follow tutorial,

Any chance you could show how to make this dynamic, AJAX would make this so much more flexible, would be good to see some fade effects on the main image display.