This tutorial will guide you how to build a jQuery script that reads and parses XML file and display data in random order. I made this because I believe some of us might get this kind of request from clients. Eg, load the frontpage promotional tiles randomly among 8 tiles but display only 4 of them and JavaScript is the only option to do it. However, one should aware the pros and cons of this approach:
Pros- Better organize of data. Data is stored in XML file instead of hardcoded in web page.
- Easy to update. You just need the access to XML file and update it without have to go through all the html codes.
- SEO concern. Search engine bots/spiders will not able to see the content, because they don't run JavaScript content.
- Javascript support. Well, honestly, I'm not worry about this one.
Depend on your project, or how important SEO is to you, some people don't really care about the drawback of this method. My advise is, if you have the option to do it with server side language, just do it, you won't have SEO issue. But, in this case, let's just assume Javascript is the last resort. :) You can check out the demo:
We won't do much with HTML in this tutorial. What you need is an element with ID or Class like below:
<div id="list"> <!-- XML data to be appended in here --> </div> <div class="item"> <a href="#"><img data-src="image.gif" alt="Title"><span>Title</span></a> <p>Description</p> </div> <div id="list"> <!-- XML data to be appended in here --> </div> <div class="item"> <a href="#"><img data-src="image.gif" alt="Title"><span>Title</span></a> <p>Description</p> </div>
Another section of HTML is the HTML template that we use in the Javascript:
<div id="list"> <!-- XML data to be appended in here --> </div> <div class="item"> <a href="#"><img data-src="image.gif" alt="Title"><span>Title</span></a> <p>Description</p> </div> <div id="list"> <!-- XML data to be appended in here --> </div> <div class="item"> <a href="#"><img data-src="image.gif" alt="Title"><span>Title</span></a> <p>Description</p> </div>
We don't do much with CSS too, you can style it whatever you want. Below is the CSS we used in this tutorial, just make sure the demo look nice.
body { font-size:75%; margin:0; padding:0; font-family:arial; color:#333 } #list { width:660px; margin:0 auto; } #list .item { width:200px; float:left; margin:10px; } #list .item a { font-weight:bold; color:#333; text-decoration:none; outline:0 } #list .item a:active, #list .item a:hover { color:#25c8f1; } #list .item a img { width:190px; height:120px; border:5px solid #eee } #list .item a img:hover { border:5px solid #25c8f1; } #list .item a span { padding:0 5px; display:block; } #list .item p { margin:5px 0 0 0; padding:0 5px; }
This is a sample XML file that we use. Simple and straight forward.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <items> <item> <url>.......</url> <image>.......</image> <title>.......</title> <desc>......</desc> </item> ...... </items>
Alright, this is the main part of the entire tutorial. Basically, we use jQuery to retrieve data from XML file, after that loop through all the items. During the loop, we send it to a function call insertHTML() which retrieve the data in the item and embed them into a HTML template. After that, append it to #list.
I have put inline comments in most sections to make sure it's easy to understand.
XMLLIST = { //general settings xml: 'data.xml?' + Math.random(0,1), //solve ie weird caching issue display: '3', //number of items to be displayed random: true, //display randomly {true|false} appendTo: '#list', //set the id/class to insert XML data init: function () { //jQuery ajax call to retrieve the XML file $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: XMLLIST.xml, dataType: "xml", success: XMLLIST.parseXML }); }, // end: init() parseXML: function (xml) { //Grab every single ITEM tags in the XML file var data = $('item', xml).get(); //Allow user to toggle display randomly or vice versa var list = (XMLLIST.random) ? XMLLIST.randomize(data) : data; var i = 1; //Loop through all the ITEMs $(list).each(function () { //Parse data and embed it with HTML XMLLIST.insertHTML($(this)); //If it reached user predefined total of display item, stop the loop, job done. if (i == XMLLIST.display) return false; i++; }); }, // end: parseXML() insertHTML: function (item) { //retrieve each of the data field from ITEM var url = item.find('url').text(); var image = item.find('image').text(); var title = item.find('title').text(); var desc = item.find('desc').text(); var html; //Embed them into HTML code html = '<div class="item">'; html += '<a href="' + url + '"><img data-src="' + image + '" alt="' + title + '" />'; html += '<span>' + title + '</span></a>'; html += '<p>' + desc + '</p>'; html += '</div>'; //Append it to user predefined element $(html).appendTo(XMLLIST.appendTo); }, // end: insertHTML() randomize: function(arr) { //randomize the data //Credit to JSFromHell for(var j, x, i = arr.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = arr[--i], arr[i] = arr[j], arr[j] = x); return arr; } // end: randomize() } //Run this script XMLLIST.init();
Hey Dude, I have a different XML structure!
Sure you do, if you have a different XML structure, you need to change the following thing:
- XML File: Well, you definitely need to change it
- insertHTML(): a function in the Javascript to parse the data and insert it into HTML
If you have a different XML strucutre, you will need to modify the insertHTML() in Javascript.
parseXML: function (xml) { //You need to change "item" to your own tag. var data = $('item', xml).get(); .......... .......... .......... insertHTML: function (item) { //If you refer back to the XML structure above, this retrieve all data of each item. //Feel free to change it and add new data var url = item.find('url').text(); var image = item.find('image').text(); var title = item.find('title').text(); var desc = item.find('desc').text(); var html; //This is the HTML template we use, feel free to change it as well. html = '<div class="item">'; html += '<a href="' + url + '"><img data-src="' + image + '" alt="' + title + '" />'; html += '<span>' + title + '</span></a>'; html += '<p>' + desc + '</p>'; html += '</div>'; .......... .......... ..........
This tutorial is aiming to demonstrate how to read and parse XML file with jQuery and display random XML result. Well, it's not the best approach but in some cases, this could be the only way to achieve it, especially when you have limited access to the website. Drop me a comment if you have any question. I hope you enjoy it and please help me to spread this. :)
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will be added to all links. You can wrap your coding with[code][/code]
to make use of built-in syntax highlighter.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>Rose simmetrie</title>
<desc>Beltà femminile cha t’innamori sii fatta di vari allori La tua concezione di sensazioni fanno andare in visibilio i romanticoni Non credi nell’amicizia con l’opposto tuoma quando lo ami tu lo vuoi più del tuo stesso io Donna ti dico che la tua volontà assai mi pesa però so che in fondo sii un’opera ben resa Tu non sai cosa sprigioni nella tua decisione nell’unione dei due mondi è una faccenda di ragione Meraviglia del mondo antico e moderno accetta la mia amicizia per amor fraterno</desc>
<tag>Amore, Rose simmetrie, Emozioni, Femminile, Beltà , Volontà , Meraviglia, Mondo antico, Versi, Testo, Parole, Metafora, Dedica</tag>
<link>Scarica file per: Word Pdf Txt</link>
<title>Pure emozioni</title>
<desc>Eterno paradiso incontaminato di orchidee Distesa tropicale di spiagge bagnate dal sole Dolce lato dell'animo umano Scultura di bellezza e perfezione Croce e delizia Candido orsacchiotto simbolo di tenerezza e di pace Viso del neonato con i suoi occhi che ti guarda Primo bacio mai scordato Realizzare una tua passione Amore che non muori</desc>
<tag>Amore, Pure, Emozioni, Paradiso, Scultura, Viso nenonato, Passione, Versi, Testo, Parole, Astratto, Sentimento universale</tag>
<link>Scarica file per: Word Pdf Txt</link>
What i write code in js for watch xml
BTW, is there an easy way to make it refresh with new items (either time based or via a button)?
display just 'Title' in HMT from XML file and
when I click anyone title then display all information of that title in another HTML page.
plz help me to give your valuable suggestion.
I have a question. In my xml file elements will be permantent (title, description, url, gallery) except tags. Each element will have different amount of tags. How can i show them?