8 Impressive Javascript Chrome Experiments with Multiplayer Support

Written by Kevin Liew on 13 Mar 2012
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Javascript has become a really important technology to bring full interactive website to us. Javascript is famous to build interactive website components such as navigation drop down menu, tab, accordion, image slider etc. Besides that, with HTML5 canvas, WebGL and SVG, it's possible to create insane animation effects as well. However, this time, we are going to show you a few cool examples in which Javascript is used to create a multiplayer game platform. Most of them are using WebSockets, socket.io and node.js to make scalable and realtime apps. Have fun.

  • Multiplayer Piano Multiplayer PianoA multiplayer piano built with JavaScript and socket.io. Viewed with Chrome, the page busts out the Web Audio API.
  • Plink PlinkPlink is a multiplayer music experience with a super intuitive user interface. Simply by clicking and moving your mouse you create music in real time. You can play by yourself or together with three friends (or strangers). No hassle, just plain fun music creation.
  • Word2 Word2Word² (wordsquared) is the world's first Massively Multiplayer Online crossword game! It pits wordcrafters against one another in real time on an infinitely large game board. Rack up high scores by building the longest chains of words, but watch out: everyone else is playing alongside you, and what they do may surprise you!
  • Rumpetroll RumpetrollYou're a little tadpole in the world wide pond where you can interact with other swimmers…
  • Tank World Tank WorldTankworld is a tank shooter, you can use a wide range of weapons to fight your opponents. In some levels you can find a helicopter the explore the world...
  • Pixelatr PixelatrA massively multi-user collaborative pixel art page. Lets any number of users edit the same large grid of pixels in real time.
  • Multi User SketchPad Multi User SketchPadThe idea is simple. A sketchpad where everyone can draw at the same time. The result is something much more interesting than I expected.
  • Chess ChessAn implementation of chess written in JavaScript using canvas, requestAnimationFrame, and AJAX.
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1 comment
Ali Qayyum 13 years ago
i like this , good research thanks