11 Creative Javascript Website Slider Design Showcase

Written by Kevin Liew on 02 Apr 2012
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Image Sliders have been quite common solution to showcase works, products and services. Flash use to be dominating this area, but with the rise of Javascript framework such as jQuery and CSS3 slider with cool transition effects are achievable easily.

There are literally hundreds of free image sliders online and pretty much it's designed to meet the general purposes but some come with a handful of transition effect, responsive support, touch support and some other allow you to fit media rich content to it. In case you're looking for one, we have it covered in our previous posts:

However, this isn't a post about Javascript image sliders, we focus on creatively designed and cool slider showcase from other websites. A uniquely made and custom designed sliders can easily catch your reader attention, and here are some of it. You will able to see some coolest trend such as parallax effect, CSS3 animation and cool loading sequence of each slide.

  • SuperloverSuperloverCool combination of scroll and left with easing animation.
  • Green Campus GuideGreen Campus GuideSlider with integrated tooltips and modal dialogs.
  • Lake NonaLake NonaTake a while to load but it's pretty impressive slider, a different kind of thumbnail view.
  • Agence de comminicationAgence de comminicationUnique slider with an animated call-to-action button.
  • KyanKyanAnother cool slider with a custom made animation.
  • Create DMCreate DMA simple and yet elegant slider with CSS3 animation.
  • 2Fly2FlyA backward compatible slider with CSS3 rotation. Pretty cool!
  • Gen 3 CreativeGen 3 CreativeA content slider with different design on each slide.
  • Carnation groupCarnation groupOne of the famous technique - parallax slider.
  • 7 Days in Havana7 Days in HavanaPretty cool concept, sort of like an accordion plus slider!
  • AppGearAppGearHonestly, I reckon this look like a carousel but it has a cool effect on it.
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Binngokute 13 years ago
so cool! Where can I download these code?
Miko Belludo 11 years ago
Hey I want this sliders too. If you ever got the codes can you email me? Please?
Imran Haider 13 years ago
Thanks for sharing
BenedictineNun 13 years ago
What kind of slider is used for the "7 Days in Havanna" site? I really like it!
Rafael Marques 13 years ago
Hehehhe Thank you! 2Fly
IRan Wordpress 11 years ago
Thank You For Sharing !