Scrollify - Create Smooth Snapping Scroll Layout Easily
Responsify - Make Images Play Nicely In Responsive View
WebcamJS - HTML5 Webcam Image Capture Library
DateDropper - A Datepicker That Is Fun To Use
Add Search, Sort, Filters Easily with List.js
Bricks.js - A Blazing Fast Masonry Layout Generator
AnyPicker - Date, Time, DateTime and Custom Picker for Mobile
EasyAutocomplete - A Lightweight jQuery Autocomplete Plugin
Slick - The Best Responsive Carousel Javascript Plugin
Create Consistent Browser Alert Dialogues for Your Website
Create A Little Easter Egg in Your Website with Dom-Animator
Plyr - Fully Customisable HTML5 Media Player
Awesomplete - Ultra Lightweight and Highly Customizable Autocomplete Javascript Plugin
Responsive jQuery Date Time Picker for Mobile
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