This is something new, I believe some of us may not even realized there are getting more and more people design vcard website. I able to to find 30 of them, and including mine. :)
Most of them are having a same features - they are all using javascript animation like sliding, fading and tab navigation. I present you 30 amazing Mini vcard websites with slick javascript animation. Enjoy.
My vCard
Thanks for the inspirations from all the following websites. I managed to create one for myself. I made a futuristic design with dark wooden background and jQuery for the animation.
vCard Collection
- Andy Croll
- Aref JDEY
- Chris Carey
- Chris Harrison
- Christopher Wallace
- David Merfield
- Evert Slagter
- Felix Niklas
- Florian Pichler
- Jennie Chen
- John Phillips
- Jonas Lekevicius
- kiuz
- Lee Norris
- Matthias Kretschmann
- Maximilian Schoening
- Mark Tyrrell
- Matthew Maber
- Maykel Loomans
- Meelk
- Michael Betsch
- Michael Villar
- Peter Hellberg
- Raffaele Rasini
- Rogie King
- Ryan Lover
- Tim Van Damme
- Tyler Galpin
- Sebastien Couture
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will be added to all links. You can wrap your coding with[code][/code]
to make use of built-in syntax highlighter.Great list, by the way...
i want to know how to build like this
I can see he is asking for a link back on who ever owns business card type websites. Why dont he just sue .TEL domains instead.