32 Amazing Mini vCard Websites with Slick Javascript Animation

Written by Kevin Liew on 12 Aug 2009
53,051 Views • Inspirations


This is something new, I believe some of us may not even realized there are getting more and more people design vcard website. I able to to find 30 of them, and including mine. :)

Most of them are having a same features - they are all using javascript animation like sliding, fading and tab navigation. I present you 30 amazing Mini vcard websites with slick javascript animation. Enjoy.


My vCard

Thanks for the inspirations from all the following websites. I managed to create one for myself. I made a futuristic design with dark wooden background and jQuery for the animation.

vCard Collection


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Wiras Adi 15 years ago
I really like Mr. Lekevicius\' card there. I use it as an inspiration to make one for myself.

Great list, by the way...
dido 15 years ago
thanks for you
i want to know how to build like this

Kevin Pire 15 years ago
Nice collection!! You can see mine here : www.kevinpire.be, thx!
Peliculas Subtituladas 15 years ago
gracias buen aporte
Office Stationery 15 years ago
I must say you have a very nice collection of vCard designs.
per schmitz 15 years ago
for those who don't know (or don't have time) to build one themselves, we've developed an app for virtual business cards at http://dooid.com . what do you think about it?
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These kind of post are always inspiring and I prefer to read quality content so I happy to find many good point here in the post, writing is simply great, thank you for the post.
TimVandammeWallofShame? 14 years ago
Just want to know doesTim van damme owns the copyright for having a business card websites?

I can see he is asking for a link back on who ever owns business card type websites. Why dont he just sue .TEL domains instead.
kevin Admin 14 years ago
No, he doesn't own the copyright, I guess he just want to create a list of vcard that's all.
Simone Forti 14 years ago
This is my vCard: www.simoneforti.it
Simone Forti 14 years ago
My vCard is most beatutiful: <a href="http://www.simoneforti.it ">www.simoneforti.it</a>