CSS and Web Gallery List : Promote and Increase your Website Traffic

Written by Kevin Liew on 09 Apr 2009
66,253 Views • Web Design


A Web/CSS Gallery is a website that showcases websites that are built good design. It's a good source to get inspirations for your next project as well. In term of search engine optimization (SEO), promoting your website to gallery able to increase your website backlinks. Definition of backlink from Wikipedia:

"In the SEO world, the number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (though other measures, such as PageRank, are likely to be more important). Outside of SEO, the backlinks of a webpage may be of significant personal, cultural or semantic interest: they indicate who is paying attention to that page..

I have spent few hours to collect, test and organize all the web galleries and committed to update the ranking in monthly basis. If you have a new CSS Gallery Website, please drop me the link in the comment, I will add it into the list. So, don't forget to bookmark this page. :)

Alright, now I present you the list of 95 Web & CSS Galleries with the latest Google PageRank, Alexa Rank and the submission Link (click on the logo to submit website). Enjoy!


Web & CSS Galleries



16-4-2009: Added CSSBlaze, TheCSSGalleryList and OneCSS. Total of 95 Galleries :)


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charan 14 years ago
CSS Sites 13 years ago
You can also ad this: www.dzinemart.com.
Ivo Veli 13 years ago
Please also add to your list http://csspost.com/ and http://csspost.com/ both are updated daily!
CSSPost 13 years ago
Can you also please add http://csspost.com and http://csspost.com
They are updated daily so the listing of approved designs is very fast.

Thank you
Css Villa 13 years ago
FolioSpark 13 years ago
Check out http://foliospark.com - it's specifically for portfolios and personal websites.
Inspiration 12 years ago
rajat gupta 10 years ago
thanks for the list kindly add css villa