Buddy - Simple Git Hosting with easy CI tools

Written by Kevin Liew on 11 Dec 2015
25,544 Views • Web Development

When we're working in a team environment, it's important that our code is well-managed and version controlled. As a freelancer for years, I constantly have to deal with projects that involve more than 2 developers and we use git to manage our code.

However, there's one thing that's always bothering us. We found ourself constantly pushing different releases to staging server and production server manually via ssh and terminal command, that's actually really time consuming especially when the server password is long and hard to remember. Here, we have a great tool - Buddy that able to simply that process and do more to streamline the deployment.

What problems does Buddy solve?

Streamline deployment process is just one of the problems Buddy able to solve. It's created to be easy to use yet powerful at the same time, it can also handle the following problems that you found in other services:

  • No release feature in GitHub and Bitbucket
  • Difficult to understand
  • Unintuitive and cluttered UI
  • Slow / unreliable deploy
  • Not enough release actions
  • Sluggish GUI

Buddy - User friendly interface

Get to know more about Buddy

Buddy is a simple tool that lets web and software developers host, build and deploy apps and websites with little to no effort. It supports Github or Bitbucket repository. It can also work as a CI/CD tool, or used as a hosting service with extra Git features and dedicated deployments.

Buddy - Simple Git Hosting with easy CI tools

The main idea behind Buddy was to simplify the process of Continuous Delivery as much as possible without sacrificing any functionality. It was achieved by reducing the steps required to ship code from repository to its final form on the server to minimum, while giving the user complete freedom in building his workflow.

Buddy focuses not only the performance, the team has put a lot of efforts to ensure the user experience and usability of the interface. It's packed in a slick and clear UI that makes the process even more comfortable.

The goodness of Buddy

  • Build, test and deploy your apps automatically, on demand, or on schedule
  • Ship code directly from GitHub and Bitbucket or use Buddy for hosting
  • Deploy changes to FTP, SFTP, Heroku, Amazon S3, WebDAV and Digital Ocean
  • Extra CI/CD actions with more to come: SSH scripts, POST notifications, push-to-git
  • Keep your team up to date with GUI, mobile and Slack notifications
  • Run builds on premise and deploy on success (coming soon)
  • Merge requests with easy branch management
  • Review and compare of files and revisions
  • Code editor with syntax highlight and blame tool
  • Support for images and PSD's
  • Open API and webhooks
  • Code editor with syntax highlight
  • Created with love for beautiful and functional design

Buddy - Extensions and integration with Third Parties

Buddy employs pay-as-you go pricing that scales with the needs of your team
. Deployment doesn't have to be a chore, and it can be really simple with Buddy, don't waste time, you sign up for a free trial today to start streamline your project.

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1 comment
Irvin Norski 9 years ago
This is probably best app for auto deploy. This company is amazing, fast support, new features. Now is option one free project, this is good for me!