Simple JQuery Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption

Written by Kevin Liew on 30 Mar 2009
371,334 Views • Tutorials


Update 17 Dec 2009: I have created a new version of this image slide show. It's more efficient, clean and simple. Please visit: jQuery Photo Slide Show with Slick Caption Tutorial Revisited

I will no longer provide support for this old tutorial

Image Slide Show is one of the famous components in web design and development. A lot of the websites display news headlines in an image slide show to attract viewers attention, of course, with caption/excerpt. No doubt about it, this is a clever method not only to gain attentions, but it also makes the website more alive (not too static, dull).

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So, here we go again, I separated my codes into 3 sections: html, css and javascript and I will explain how it works in each section.



My ultimate objective is - to keep the html as simple as possible. So, the final product is as following. The first image has a class called "show". Class show has higher z-index, so image with this class will display on top, thus image with this class will always display on top of the rest. The second thing you need to know is the DIV with "caption" class. It has the highest z-index. That DIV will be used to display the caption. The caption is retrieve from the REL attribute in the img element. You can put html element in the REL attribute. Be aware of extra padding and margin of the html elements you used. (eg h1, p).

Have a look at the html code:

<div id="gallery">

	<a href="#" class="show">
	<img data-src="images/flowing-rock.jpg" alt="Flowing Rock" alt="" title="" width="580" height="360" rel="<h3>Flowing Rock</h3>You can put html element 
	inside the REL attribute."/></a>
	<a href="#">
		<img data-src="images/grass-blades.jpg" alt="Grass Blades" alt="" title="" width="580" height="360" rel="<h3>Grass Blades</h3>description"/>

	<div class="caption"><div class="content"></div></div>
<div class="clear"></div>

2. CSS

In this section, I declared a container #gallery for this image slide show. The CSS for this tutorial is pretty straight foward, the most importance thing is the z-index. You have to make sure the "show" class z-index is lower than the "caption" z-index.


.clear {

#gallery {
	#gallery a {
	#gallery a img {
	#gallery {

	#gallery .caption {

	#gallery .caption .content {
	#gallery .caption .content h3 {

3. Javascript

Finally, the Javascript code. I have added comments in each line to explain what it does. My concept for this image slide show:

  • Hide all the images
  • Display the first image and caption
  • Find the image with "show" class, and grab the next image using next() method
  • Add "show" class to next image
  • Animate the image (fadeout the current image, fadein next image)
  • And, it repeats above steps over and over again
$(document).ready(function() {		
	//Execute the slideShow


function slideShow() {

	//Set the opacity of all images to 0
	$('#gallery a').css({opacity: 0.0});
	//Get the first image and display it (set it to full opacity)
	$('#gallery a:first').css({opacity: 1.0});
	//Set the caption background to semi-transparent
	$('#gallery .caption').css({opacity: 0.7});

	//Resize the width of the caption according to the image width
	$('#gallery .caption').css({width: $('#gallery a').find('img').css('width')});
	//Get the caption of the first image from REL attribute and display it
	$('#gallery .content').html($('#gallery a:first').find('img').attr('rel'))
	.animate({opacity: 0.7}, 400);
	//Call the gallery function to run the slideshow, 6000 = change to next image after 6 seconds

function gallery() {
	//if no IMGs have the show class, grab the first image
	var current = ($('#gallery')?  $('#gallery') : $('#gallery a:first'));

	//Get next image, if it reached the end of the slideshow, rotate it back to the first image
	var next = (( ? (('caption'))? $('#gallery a:first') : $('#gallery a:first'));	
	//Get next image caption
	var caption = next.find('img').attr('rel');	
	//Set the fade in effect for the next image, show class has higher z-index
	next.css({opacity: 0.0})
	.animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000);

	//Hide the current image
	current.animate({opacity: 0.0}, 1000)
	//Set the opacity to 0 and height to 1px
	$('#gallery .caption').animate({opacity: 0.0}, { queue:false, duration:0 }).animate({height: '1px'}, { queue:true, duration:300 });	
	//Animate the caption, opacity to 0.7 and heigth to 100px, a slide up effect
	$('#gallery .caption').animate({opacity: 0.7},100 ).animate({height: '100px'},500 );
	//Display the content
	$('#gallery .content').html(caption);


Finally, you will have a nice and simple jQuery image slide show with a semi-transparent caption. Make sure you check out the demo and download the source code to play with it. Last but not least, I need your support :) If you like this article, please help me to promote it by adding this post into your bookmark. Or you can subscribe to my RSS for more posts. Thanks!


14-4-2009: Fixed caption problem. Thanks to one of the readers kpastore.

Update 17 Dec 2009: I have created a new version of this image slide show. It's more efficient, clean and simple. Please visit: jQuery Photo Slide Show with Slick Caption Tutorial Revisited

I will no longer provide support for this old tutorial

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Neema 13 years ago
Thanks bro.
You are a life saver. This works perfectly.
I didn't see any bug. well-coded also codes are simple.
harsh 13 years ago
zain 13 years ago
benconnet 13 years ago
Thanks a lot for this. Very simple and beautiful. I tried to view it using mobile device eg blackberry and it didnt work. Any solution for this?
Kevin Liew Admin 13 years ago
Sorry, never tested it with mobile.
Mohammed Fellak 13 years ago
good but must to be with a switcher
website design 13 years ago
I love this article and the tips on how to blog as an authority. I think it has inspired me today, to study and research more on the web hosting topics I write on my blog. Thanks!
JerryDesigner 13 years ago
It is real helpful.... and straight dorward..
Frederik 13 years ago
Like the slider.. But I have a problem, when i apply it to a site, and view it in a browser, the images turns up underneath each other.. can you help me?? im new at this
Em 12 years ago
That sounds like a conflict problem
A 12 years ago
what is the license about this silder?
Kevin Liew Admin 12 years ago
free :)
Jabble 12 years ago
Very very nice ! Thank you so much !
mamatha 12 years ago
please send me the html code also
mclhey 12 years ago
i cant rezize thewhole slider can u help me?
Raj 12 years ago
How can we add the pause/stop on mouseover/hover function to slider. I am not a coder so please if can can you send me the code which needs to be added to jscript.