Quick and Easy jQuery Font Resizer Tutorial

Written by Kevin Liew on 30 Jun 2010
113,523 Views • Tutorials


Today, we will be learning something about accessiblity. Well, some people may think that it's not important browsers has the zoom in and zoom out functionality anyway, oh well, that's quite true but design wise, when you use the zoom feature on browsers, it's more likely to ruin your design as well. So, we have this javascript font resizer that allow you to resize some section of your text instead of everything.

This tutorial focuses more on the javascript, so the HTML and CSS are really basic.


Alright, we just have to make sure the class name is correct, and then you can style it up with images and hover effect.

<a href="#" class="fontSizePlus">A+</a> | 
<a href="#" class="fontReset">Reset</a> | 
<a href="#" class="fontSizeMinus">A-</a>

2. CSS

Shortest CSS ever! I set the default font size to 14px. It doesn't matter if you specified the font size in percentage.

body {

a {

a:hover {

3. Javascript

Lastly, the magical jQuery! Don't freak out because of the length, 50% of the code is comments and it's very simple.

$(document).ready(function () {

	//min font size
	var min=9; 	

	//max font size
	var max=16;	
	//grab the default font size
	var reset = $('p').css('fontSize'); 
	//font resize these elements
	var elm = $('p.intro, p.ending');  
	//set the default font size and remove px from the value
	var size = str_replace(reset, 'px', ''); 
	//Increase font size
	$('a.fontSizePlus').click(function() {
		//if the font size is lower or equal than the max value
		if (size=min) {
			//decrease the size
			//set the font size
			elm.css({'fontSize' : size});
		//cancel a click event
		return false;	
	//Reset the font size
	$('a.fontReset').click(function () {
		//set the default font size	
		 elm.css({'fontSize' : reset});		

//A string replace function
function str_replace(haystack, needle, replacement) {
	var temp = haystack.split(needle);
	return temp.join(replacement);


Easy isn't it? You can style up the "increase font size" and "decrease font size" with icons to make it more presentable. jQuery has definitely change the way we code javascript, back to the old day, this piece of code wouldn't able to achieve such a easy and short code.

BestHostingSearch.com, a top web hosting review site, has added this feature to all of their articles by following this tutorial, which allows readers to adjust the font size handy and makes the reading easily.

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Skip 11 years ago
I tried @Yasen wat and the reset does not work, do you have a way to make reset work please?