Dropzone.js is a drag and drop file upload with image previews. The author of dropzone has made the implementation as easy as possible. We just have to declare a dropzone
class in form
HTML element and Dropzone will find all form elements with class dropzone
and automiatically attach itself to it.
Drag and drop is a new feature for latest browser only such as IE10+, Chrome 7+, Firefox 4+, Opera 12+ and Safari 5+, for old browsers, Dropzone provides an oldschool file input fallback.
- Easy to style and update default dropzone template
- Create a dropzone with CSS class, or programmatically using Javascript
- Generate image thumbnails.
- Parallel file uploads
- With callback event for file validation and file upload status.
- Dropzone is also available as an AMD module for RequireJS.
- Official Website / Demo / Download
- Plugin Category: File Upload
- Requirement: jQuery Framework
- Compatibility: Modern Browsers with Drag and Drop Support
- License: MIT License
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