10 Addictive Games You Wouldn't Believe They're Made With Javascript

Written by Kevin Liew on 19 Sep 2011
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WARNING: Addictive games alert, if you want to stay productive, do not click on any of these links. :P

Few years back, most of the online games were made with Flash, nowadays, with powerful browsers and web technologies, you can create games with just HTML, CSS and Javascript! Most of them look really impressive with full 3D animations, graphic, effects and concept.

I like Picnic Defender and Z-Type, what about you?

  • Pacmaze
    PacmazePacman, from different perspective.
  • Picnic Defender
    Picnic DefenderA tower defence game. As a tower defence lover, this game can be quite addictive.
  • Pong 3D
    Pong 3DI guess everyone plays pong. How about Pong in 3 Dimensions?
  • Role Playing Game
    Role Playing GameThis mini-game was created with the framework RPG JS and the editor RPG Maker XP (for maps). The goal is to save the daughter of the mayor of the village. Move with the arrow keys, make an action by pressing "Space" (talk, push ...) and the A button to attack (when you have the sword)
  • Coil
    CoilI quite like this game. You have to use your mouse to lasso glowing points of light before they explode.
  • Guess What Cup!
    Guess What Cup!A test to see if a pure HTML5 and javascript game could be designed that was quick and responsive enough to create an unbeatable level in our 'guess what cup!' game.
  • TankWorld
    TankWorldReally impressive 3D animation. Tankworld is a tank shooter, you can use a wide range of weapons to fight your opponents. In some levels you can find a helicopter the explore the world.
  • Z-Type
    Z-TypeWarning, another addictive game. But I think it's quite easy to beat and long lasting game. Should have use random strings instead of words. A Space Shoot'em'Up where you type to shoot.
  • SandTrap
    SandTrapIn this web game, your goal is to get as much sand as you can out of the box and into the pail. I think this game can easily makes some money if it's developed to iOS platform.
  • Alex The Aligator
    Alex The AligatorA WIP HTML5 remake of the classic "Alex the allegator 4" game, created by Johan Peitz from free lunch design. Alex 4 WE, includes the first 6 levels of the original game, and has been developed using the melonJS library, a free HTML5 game engine. Honestly, I haven't played this game before, it reminds me of Gameboy era kind of game.
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Dinesh 13 years ago
Very Nice...Games
Robert Schultz 13 years ago
I'm a fan of my own JavaScript based game I made a few years ago: http://worldofsolitaire.com
Phong Thai @JavaScriptBank.com 13 years ago
wow, they're really so cute, thank for sharing