8 Websites with Impressive and Original Javascript Effects

Written by Kevin Liew on 16 Mar 2011
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Okay, this post is going to be interesting. I have found 8 websites that shared a common base - they are all using javascript. What make a HTML/CSS website outstanding and memorable? We need some magic from javascript to make the website a little bit more interactive and animated.

Among the rest of the websites, I like gauged2 and Tom Pain a lot. They managed to achieve something really original, something that you have not seen anyone done it before. So, be sure to click on each website to check out the uniqueness of each of them.

  • Momento App Momento app is a gorgeous iPhone app website. It has two rather unusual gallery sliders which worth to have a look.
  • We are fixel Nice and clean website, it has a slider in the front page, and what had caught my attention was the main slogan which you can refresh it for many times to display different combination of words.
  • Factoria A quite animated website, outstanding and attractive slider right in the middle.
  • Tom Pain Very impressive content slider based website. When it was loading, it looks like a flash website.
  • Pixillion A good combination of jQuery Masonry and infinite scroll.
  • Moovents A big massive Parallax effect!
  • Allan Yu At first, I got confused by the layout, but then, slowly i understand how it works... it actually pretty simple, but the layout somehow gave me some kind of illusion..
  • Gauged2 Amazing hero slider... parallax plus delay sliding, that's original!
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Tom Pain 14 years ago
Thanks for the mention :) Realy like Allan Yu's site. I agree a bit cryptic but really entertaining discovering how to use it.
dGarner 14 years ago
Awesome websites! What do you think about http://www.patrick-wied.at ? I like that sliding effect on websites, but only when it's not too much. cheers deb
molokoloco 14 years ago
You forget my wall ! http://www.b2bweb.fr/wall/ but good links here ;)
raymon 14 years ago
sections of all design is so great...perfectly pick nice...

can wait to link this if it's okay to http://linesforme.blogspot.com
san 14 years ago
it so nice,
visit here to www.ilufa168.tk
ken the tech 14 years ago
fantastic collection of js based websites, thanks for sharing! small suggestion for your website: put target="_blank" for external links :) Cheers, Ken
stevenlee 14 years ago
Well,IT's so nice,but I want to download,Where is it??
raymond 14 years ago
this blog is so awesome
wanna visit this one to?