9 Javascript and Animated GIF Loading Animation Solutions

Written by Kevin Liew on 07 Sep 2011
264,475 Views • Javascript


I learned to make loading animation when I was learning flash, it was flash 5! Nowadays, we see it in HTML/CSS/JS websites, especially those are AJAX driven. Loading animation is extremely useful to letting users know that the server is processing the request. Do not under estimate it, it can make a website responsive to user interaction. It's used as an indication of something is happening behind the scene, and inform users to wait for a while.

It usually in Animated Gif format, however, now, we have powerful browsers and technology (VML and Canvas), loading animation is no longer restricted in animated Gif format, it can be generated with Javascript and highly customisable. This time, I found 5 Javascript and following by 4 Animated Gif solutions to generate loading animation.

Javascript - VML & Canvas

I found total of 5 Javascript that generate loading animation. Unfortunately, not all of them can work in older browsers such as IE6, 7 and 8. However I found two Javascripts - activity indicator and spin.js that support both VML (IEs support) and Canvas (Modern browsers).

  • Activity Indicator A jQuery plugin that renders a translucent activity indicator (spinner) using SVG or VML. This work almost the same with spin.js except it relies on jQuery.
    • Lightweight script
    • Resolution independent
    • Alpha transparency
    • Highly configurable appearance
    • Works in all major browsers
    • Uses feature detection
    • Degrades gracefully
  • Canvas Loader This plugin replaces typical animated gif loading image with a canvas based loader of the same width and height. This is super helpful when developing mobile apps that might be viewed on Android. It will also detect to see if you have canvas support before applying the replacement.
    • Limited styles, only work in browser with Canvas Support
  • Sonic Looping Loader Sonic is a small (~3k minified) JS “class” you can use to create custom loading animations. It works best with looping animations — i.e. a snake that’s trying to eat its own tail. This is a really cool javascript preloader, but unfortunately your browser need to support canvas.
    • Highly configurable, but only work with browsers with Canvas Support
    • Small file size ~3k minified
    • Customizable preloader style
  • HeartCode Canvas Loader The Heartcode CanvasLoader is a lightweight JavaScript UI library, which uses the HTML5 Canvas element to draw and animate circular preloaders.The Heartcode CanvasLoader runs in every 'good' browser which supports the HTML5 Canvas element.
    • Only work in browser with Canvas Support
    • An UI to customize preloader
  • Spin.js Spin.js can be easily be the best among the rest because of its support of old browsers. It also come with an UI to customize your own preloader.
    • No dependencies (jQuery is supported, but not required)
    • Highly configurable
    • Resolution independent
    • Uses VML as fallback in old IEs
    • Uses @keyframe animations, falling back to setTimeout()
    • Works in all major browsers, including IE6
    • MIT License

Animated Gif Generators

Following by Animated Gif version. The difference between animated Gif version and Javascript version is GIF usually come with a lot of different designs.

That's about it. When I was doing research about it, apparently it's still a new solutions, not many Javascript plugins out there doing it. Thanks for reading, if you wish to know more about Javascript Plugins, Javascript driven websites and design inspirations, follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our RSS. Thanks for your support.

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Rob 13 years ago
This would be a very useful post with the latest loader GIF alternatives, but unfortunately you missed to point out the real differences between the JS libraries. It would be very useful and nice for readers to see the real differences between the JS libraries, not only the developer notes copied and pasted from the project websites.
Maybelle 13 years ago
You know, this sounds really great and all, but after a recent issue we encountered with gif animations in IE... I can't help but think twice...
Phong Thai @JavaScriptBank.com 13 years ago
these loading solutions are cool, thank you very much for sharing.
James Moore 13 years ago
Nice collection. Checked the preloaders.net - they have loading animated css generator project - http://cssload.net . You should have added to this list too. How could you miss it? :)
James 13 years ago
Niiiice! special thanks for http://preloaders.net . They also have http://preloaders.net project. I think it should be listed here too
Sagar Wagh 13 years ago
The blog explains how and from where you can create loading images
Do try it http://spotlinked.blogspot.in/2012/03/create-animated-loading-gif.html
aryansharma 12 years ago
very nice
Trent Richardson 12 years ago
A true jQuery plugin for spinners (both line and circles) that works in every browser. http://trentrichardson.com/examples/jQuery-Waiting/
User 12 years ago
Use free online AJAX loader GIF generator http://xeosoft.com/ajaxloader from Xeosoft Team
User 12 years ago
The interesting approach to include AJAX loading indicators into your site is using JavaScript library such as AjaxLoader.js – http://musicvano.github.io/ajaxloader It's simple JavaScript spinner which allows you to create AJAX indicators dynamically.