In this tutorial, I'm going to share how to create a simple modal window with jQuery. I like jQuery, it makes everything so simple and so easy. In case you don't know what's modal window. You can click here. That's an example of a modal window.
In this website, I'm using facebox (inspiration from facebook). Others, such as lightbox, thickbox, multibox, litebox...... it's too many of them and they all are having different features.
Right, let's start, this example will show you how to create a modal window that will display the content of a DIV #ID.
My objectives are:
- Able to search the whole html document for A tag NAME="modal" attribute, so when users click on it, it will display the content of DIV #ID in the HREF attribute in Modal Window.
- A mask that will fill the whole screen.
- Modal windows that is simple and easy to modify.
1. HTML code and A tag attributes
<!-- #dialog is the id of a DIV defined in the code below --> <a href="#dialog" name="modal">Simple Modal Window</a> <div id="boxes"> <!-- #customize your modal window here --> <div id="dialog" class="window"> <b>Testing of Modal Window</b> | <!-- close button is defined as close class --> <a href="#" class="close">Close it</a> </div> <!-- Do not remove div#mask, because you'll need it to fill the whole screen --> <div id="mask"></div> </div>
2. CSS code
<style> /* Z-index of #mask must lower than #boxes .window */ #mask { position:absolute; z-index:9000; background-color:#000; display:none; } #boxes .window { position:fixed; width:440px; height:200px; display:none; z-index:9999; padding:20px; } /* Customize your modal window here, you can add background image too */ #boxes #dialog { width:375px; height:203px; } </style>
3. Javascript
<script> $(document).ready(function() { //select all the a tag with name equal to modal $('a[name=modal]').click(function(e) { //Cancel the link behavior e.preventDefault(); //Get the A tag var id = $(this).attr('href'); //Get the screen height and width var maskHeight = $(document).height(); var maskWidth = $(window).width(); //Set height and width to mask to fill up the whole screen $('#mask').css({'width':maskWidth,'height':maskHeight}); //transition effect $('#mask').fadeIn(1000); $('#mask').fadeTo("slow",0.8); //Get the window height and width var winH = $(window).height(); var winW = $(window).width(); //Set the popup window to center $(id).css('top', winH/2-$(id).height()/2); $(id).css('left', winW/2-$(id).width()/2); //transition effect $(id).fadeIn(2000); }); //if close button is clicked $('.window .close').click(function (e) { //Cancel the link behavior e.preventDefault(); $('#mask, .window').hide(); }); //if mask is clicked $('#mask').click(function () { $(this).hide(); $('.window').hide(); }); }); </script>
It's very straight forward and easy to understand. Remember, you need to include jQuery framework.

4. Launch modal window with Javascript
Due to popular demand :), I have an example for it. The concept is simple. I wrapped the modal window script inside a function, and then you will able to call the modal window using javascript function call.
Yes, you will able to load the modal window on page load as well :)
$(document).ready(function () { //id is the ID for the DIV you want to display it as modal window launchWindow(id); });
And, if you want to close the modal window on key press, any keys you want, you can add the following function.
$(document).keyup(function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { $('#mask').hide(); $('.window').hide(); } });
Use Cookie on First Load
Another popular demand from readers and this is how you do it. You need two functions (createCookie and readCookie) from this post about web cookies
$(document).ready(function() { //if the cookie hasLaunch is not set, then show the modal window if (!readCookie('hasLaunch')) { //launch it launchWindow('#dialog1'); //then set the cookie, so next time the modal won't be displaying again. createCookie('hasLaunch', 1, 365); } });
Recalculate the Position of Modal window and mask on window resize
Don't know how I missed it, this is the code that reposition the modal window and recalculate the dimension of mask if user resized the windows.
$(document).ready(function () { $(window).resize(function () { var box = $('#boxes .window'); //Get the screen height and width var maskHeight = $(document).height(); var maskWidth = $(window).width(); //Set height and width to mask to fill up the whole screen $('#mask').css({'width':maskWidth,'height':maskHeight}); //Get the window height and width var winH = $(window).height(); var winW = $(window).width(); //Set the popup window to center box.css('top', winH/2 - box.height()/2); box.css('left', winW/2 - box.width()/2); }); });I think I should make another post about modal window. :)
5. Conclusion
Yes, that's all you need to make a simple jquery modal window. In this tutorial, it shown you the concept of how to display DIV content inside a modal window. However, you can further develop it to accept a link and display it in an iFrame and image gallery.
For those who's looking for a fully customizable Modal Window, you can try my method, if you have any other questions, please let me know. Thanks for reading.
29-2-2012: - Fixed auto resize, change modal window's position from absolute to fixed.
22-5-2009: - Added a new section "Activate modal window with Javascript"
16-4-2009: - If you prefer this article in Portuguese, please visit Simple jQuery Modal Window in Portuguese by Maujor
27-3-09: - Added e.preventDefault() to link to launch the modal window.
- Changed css position to fixed, so that the modal window also fixed to center. - Changed var winH = $(window).height(); to var winH = $(window).height();
24 Mar 09:
- Added e.preventDefault() to cancel the anchor link effect, we can also able to cancel it by removing the href attribute.
- Changed var winH = $(window).height(); to var winH = $(document).height();
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will be added to all links. You can wrap your coding with[code][/code]
to make use of built-in syntax highlighter.I've tried to use YouTube API to stop the embedded video on window close and mask click, but couldn't get it working neither iframe nor object (I've not really done js before, I must admit). Does anyone have a working example with this modal window script?
I have one question though, if you browse to your demo of the modal using Safari mobile (on an iPad or iPhone), and then zoom in, the popup doesn't automatically center. It just crawls into a corner of the browser. I have seen other modal popup tutorials which worked fine in Safari mobile, centering the popup, but I have a website with about 9 modal popups based on yours. I don't want to replace all that code...
So, any suggestions on how I can make the popups center in Safari mobile?
It will really work on my website, if you are able to help me to solve this problem.
I have a content DIV, but it will not cover the whole content page. It will only cover the bottom of the link.
I even brought <div id="boxes"> above <div id="content">. It didnt work too.
I hope you are able to help with with this.
By the way, I am using twenty ten wordpress theme to cuztomize.
Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciate.
Thank you.
What if I have multiple links in one page? By the way, I am using Wordpress.
I created three links in one page. When I click on the 2nd link for the 2nd popup window, it appears to have the same description as the 1st popup.
What do I do now?
Please help! I am really desperate trying to finish this website for a friend by tomorrow.
can be shortened to:
Again, less code, less room for mistakes.
From Spain
but have an issue...
When i place an asp:button (or whatever object wich causes postback) in it, on postback the modal disappears.
is there a way to keep the modal open after postback?
setTimeout("launchWindow(id)", 10000);