Why is Documentation Exceedingly Necessary for Mobile App Developers?

Written by Kevin Liew on 20 Sep 2018
21,624 Views • Mobile Apps

As a simple mobile application developer, a person might think that documentation is not necessary for him/ her. However, this thought must be abandoned and discarded immediately as a developer, whether he/she is a mobile app developer or an enterprise software developer, needs to write down a credible documentation regarding the development process and the final software product. Writing down the documentation can be more or less compared with the art of writing an essay. Both have a subject to talk about and needs to possess a proper outline and structure.

If I have to write an essay, I, certainly, can go ahead and request a professional essay writing service to write essay for me. However, a mobile app developer cannot do the same and needs to put his/her own efforts in penning down a reliable and trustworthy documentation for the mobile app he/she has created. Below-mentioned is certain points that highlight the importance of having a proper documentation for a particular mobile application.

Aids and Assists in Deployment

If your job is limited to developing a mobile application and handing over the same to the client; you will be failing in your duty if you don’t include a detailed documentation along with. Documentation must highlight the steps that the client needs to follow to deploy the code running behind the mobile application.

A proper documentation along with code deployment steps also include notes on installation and configuration. The same documentation is kept, by the client, in a document sharing portal through which his/her team can access the same and refer the steps to successfully deploy the mobile application.

Aids and Assists in Troubleshooting

No mobile application can run smoothly on the very first attempt. Even in the course of time for which the mobile application is running many bugs and issues surface up. As a mobile application developer, a person will be aware as to what kind of issues can arise and how to troubleshoot the same.

These probable issues and troubleshooting steps must be made an integral part of the documentation so that the same can be easily referred to in times when the mobile app displays any problem.

Allows Other Developers to Work on the Mobile Application

If you are going to hand over the mobile application to the client. It is for sure that client will have full rights over the application. So, when he/she feels the need of developing the application further he/she can take the help of any other developer as well who will refer the documentation created by you to take the mobile application one step further. Thereafter, he/she will add to the existing documentation.

Maintenance & Usage of the Mobile Application

A sound documentation even highlights the steps for maintenance of the mobile application. Also, the maintenance guys will be able to learn quickly the way the mobile application is supposed to be run. This helps to save essential time as well as cut down the support costs.


Apart from these, there are various other points that highlight the importance of documentation. It doesn’t  matter whether the mobile application is simple or complex; documentation is equally important for both.

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