Offline.js - Internet Connectivity Notification Library

Written by Kevin Liew on 31 Oct 2013
22,745 Views • Javascript

Offline.js is a library to automatically alert your users when they've lost internet connectivity, like Gmail. It captures AJAX requests which were made while the connection was down, and remakes them when it's back up, so your app reacts perfectly.

It's a really good addon to your existing, and the best thing? You don't have to integrate this into your script. You can set it up as an individual script. After specified the offline check, your app will be equipped with this offline detection feature and provide an even better user experience.

It has a number of beautiful themes and requires no configuration.


  • Monitors ajax requests looking for failure
  • Confirms the connection status by requesting an image or fake resource
  • Automatically grabs ajax requests made while the connection is down and remakes them after the connection is restored.
  • Simple UI with beautiful themes
  • 3kb minified and compressed



  • Official Website / Demo / Download
  • Plugin Category: Ajax
  • Requirement: Standalone
  • Compatibility: Modern Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE8+
  • License: Other License
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