CodeMirror - Javascript Code Editor with Bundles of Features

Written by Kevin Liew on 03 Mar 2012
25,796 Views • Javascript


CodeMirror is a standalone Javascript Library allow us to create online code editor with syntax highlighting feature easily. It supports almost all the famous programming languages, and you can create your own as well. CodeMirror also supports most features that you would find in a normal code editor such as syntax highlighting, autocomplete, code indentation, search/replace etc. It's a really powerful online editor.

CodeMirror is a totally different solution for Rich Text Editor, It doesn't have the WYSIWYG feature, but it increase the readibility as user keying their coding. If you're building a website that accepts user submission of coding, CodeMirror would be the perfect editor. In fact, I discovered CodeMirror via wp-snippet website. Another two examples that are using it are, JS Bin and JS Hint.


  • Support 40+ programming languages, and you can create your own
  • Support theming
  • Autocompletion
  • Code folding
  • HTML editor with preview
  • Full-screen editing, Auto-resizing editor
  • Auto code formatting
  • and other such as search/replace, HTML editor with preview



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