A Brand New Rich Content Editor Concept - Sir Trevor

Written by Kevin Liew on 21 Oct 2013
20,015 Views • Javascript

Whoa! that was my first reaction when I play with the working version. I have seen and implemented many rich text editors to websites, Sir Trevor is really one of its own kind. I have never seen anything like this before.

A reimagined rich content editor, instead of mixing all kind of media into the editor's content, Sir Trevor treats different types of media as block. There are enough block types to meet your needs - text, image, quote, list, tweet and video. Even better, you can create your own block type or download extra block types from blocks repository.

Unlike the standard HTML output, Sir Trevor stores content in structured JSON and clean Markdown. This rich text editor also comes with drag and drop image & video uploaders, standard formatting tools (bold, italic, link). Its intuitive and clean user interface makes you focus on your content.



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