18 Useful Twitter Bootstrap Goodies You Should Know

Written by Kevin Liew on 29 May 2012
291,927 Views • Web Development


Twitter Bootstrap is one of my favourite framework for quick website prototyping and default style for my CMS. If you don't know about Twitter Bootstrap, it's a simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions. Created by the developers from Twitter, this great tool contains base CSS, grid, responsive, general styling, UI components and javascript plugins that can speed up your development process.

I have been using it for a while now, it allowed me to have full concentration on the functionality of the website instead of cross browsing testing and styling. It can easily save me heaps of times! Based on my personal opinion, Twitter Bootstrap does limit how you design a website. If you look at this Twitter Bootstrap showcase, many of them are identical and you can read another opinion from Paul Scrivens. It's a good tool, but don't abuse it.

In this post, I have found many useful tools, plugins and themes created specifically for Twitter Bootstrap. If you love using Twitter Bootstrap, I'm sure you will love all these resources.

Update I also created a post about third party Twitter Bootstrap javascript plugins - Extend Twitter Bootstrap Javascript Plugins.

Everybody seems to like this post a lot, it's mentioned on The Treehouse Show! Thanks, Team Tree House ;)

Tools - Wireframing, Generators and Template

  • FamFamFam Custom Twitter Icon SetsFamFamFam Custom Twitter Icon SetsUse FamFamFam icon set in Twitter Bootstrap, or you can learn how to integrate other icon sets and extend Twitter Bootstrap existing icon library.
  • Bootstrap ButtonBootstrap ButtonThis tool create a custom button to replace the existing button style.
  • Bootstrap Button GeneratorBootstrap Button GeneratorIf you don't want to go through the documentation, you can use this button generator. You can create different kind of buttons with all the predefined style in Twitter bootstrap.
  • Bootstrap PSDBootstrap PSDBootstrap GUI PSD is a toolkit from RepixDesign designed to kickstart webdesign of webapps and sites. It Includes al base elements layered in Photoshop for typography, buttons, grids, navigation, and more used in the original CSS3 Bootstrap framework from Twitter.
  • StyleBootstrapStyleBootstrapThis website allow you to generate your own unique design. It has a good interface and give you a quick preview of the new style.
  • SASS Twitter BootstrapIf you use SASS instead of LESS, you will appreaciate this.
  • BoilerStrapA blank slate for the modern web. Just add creativity.

Additional Plugins

  • Colorpicker and DatepickerColorpicker and DatepickerPretty straight forward, it's a colorpicker and datepicker that matches the bootstrap style.
  • WYSIWYG Editor for bootstrapWYSIWYG Editor for Bootstrapbootstrap-wysihtml5 is a javascript plugin that makes it easy to create simple, beautiful wysiwyg editors with the help of wysihtml5 and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • ColorpickerColorpickerYet another jQuery color picker. The look integrates very well with Bootstrap Twitter. Design and colors taken from Google Calendar. The source code only requires jQuery and is about 100 lines of JavaScript.
  • BootboxjsBootboxjsBootbox.js is a small JavaScript library which allows you to create simple programmatic dialog boxes using Twitter's Bootstrap modals.
  • Font AwesomeFont AwesomeExtend the existing icons with SVG based font icons.

Skin, Themes & Styles

  • Bootstrap Styler

    A good collection of well-developed and beautifully made bootstrap themes which targeting different audiences. Inherited from bootstrap, they are responsive, UI rich and the best thing is, apart from its grid and layout, they don't look like the original bootstrap at all. You find bootstrap with metro design, dark theme, theme with full background and etc.
  • jQuery UI BootstrapjQuery UI BootstrapThis project brings the beauty of Twitter's Bootstrap to jQuery UI widgets.
  • BootwatchBootwatchChange the style of Twitter bootstrap easily by downloading premade CSS styles.
  • FB BootstrapFB BootstrapFbootstrapp is a toolkit designed to kickstart development of facebook iframe apps in both relevant sizes. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more, styled in the typical facebook look and feel.
  • DarkStrapDarkStrapA Dark Theme for Twitter Bootstrap 2.
  • KickstrapKickstrapA full version of Twitter's Bootstrap with themes, enhancements, and other goodies.
  • jQuery Mobile BootstrapjQuery Mobile BootstrapA jQuery Mobile theme based on Twitter Bootstrap
  • WordPress BootstrapTwitter Bootstrap in a Wordpress Theme.
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Helen Bailey 12 years ago
Thank you for the list, and here is an infographics about Bootstrap that we hope you will like http://www.templatemonster.com/infographics/bootstrap-interactive-infographics.php
Srinu 12 years ago
findw3 12 years ago
Nice post
Varun 12 years ago
Thanks! I was looking for a combined list of various bootstrap resources.
Alex 12 years ago
Your link above "Extend Twitter Bootstrap Javascript Plugins" is to queness.dev and fails. Nice article.
twittstrap 12 years ago
we are looking for feedback for our newly launched github project that you can find at a following link twittstrap.com/twittstrap
Juan Pablo 11 years ago

Nice article. I would like to suggest a Bootstrap site for your list:
Zencart template marketplace for Twitter Bootstrap
Jay 11 years ago
Another resource to be added to the List

Start Bootstrap 11 years ago
Thanks for this list, I love Bootstrap! Another great resource you might want to look at is Start Bootstrap at http://startbootstrap.com . It is a 100% free collection of HTML starter templates for use with Bootstrap 3. Take what you like, or take all of them!
Themespixel 11 years ago
new resources for bootstrap theme marketplace, maybe can be added to the list
akpinar 11 years ago
I’ve found another new theme css generator for twitter bootstrap template

Murat Dikici 11 years ago
Sorry to remind you that http://usebootstrap.com is not listed as free Bootstrap theme provider. It is an awesome website for people who is looking for Bootstrap themes. (Note that I am the developer of UseBootstrap website)
ben med 10 years ago
What about http://twittely.com , is a free collection of bootsrap template ?

Best regard !