wPaint - A Little jQuery Paint Plugin

Written by Kevin Liew on 11 Mar 2012
52,794 Views • Javascript


A little jQuery plugin paint app that allows you to draw an image using some basic tools providing ability to load and save the images drawn. This is HTML5 canvas Javascript plugin and will require a browser that support canvas in order to run. Websanova collects many well-built and high quality plugins. Besides that, he also built its own useful plugins and release to public as well.


  • Uses HTML5 Canvas
  • Supports simple drawing tools such as box, circle, line, pencil and erase
  • Built using wPaint color picker
  • Able to save and load image
  • Display a message if browser doesn't support canvas.



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Anand 13 years ago
This is truly Awsome but its not working on touch device .
Please any one solve this issue...
anand 13 years ago
when will be its touch version release. please....
Alan Monier 10 years ago
Really like your paint plugin. Perhaps one of the best i have seen.

We want to be able to move the last object add to the page. Once you add another object you can't move the previous object. So, i add a rectangle to the page. I can grab the rectangle and position. If i add circle, you can not longer move the rectangle.

How hard would that be to add? How would you implement that?
