Alright, another post regarding web form, this time, it's javascript plugins that skin and beautify web forms. As a freelance designer, I found it quite frustrating to see different browsers render form elements differently. They don't look the same. We can skin the textbox and button easily, but form elements like drop down list, checkbox, radio button and file upload are pretty hard to customize it. You would need css and javascript skill to skin it.
In this post, I have found 10 javascript plugin that will able to skin the web form, they will look consistent in different browsers. Some of them skin the entire form elements and some of them skin only checkboxes and radio buttons. Anyhow, I think this is something good to know if your client want to spice up the webform a little bit more.
In this showcase, you will be able to get inspired by the creativity from other web designers.
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to make use of built-in syntax highlighter.Can I <a href="">share this post</a> on my JavaScript library?
Awaiting your response. Thank