Impressive Website with Unusual Javascript Animation Effects

Written by Kevin Liew on 17 Oct 2011
77,038 Views • Inspirations


How Javascript has evolved the Internet! It's positive changes in my opinion. Modern web browsers, computer hardwares and fast Internet have enabled the ermerging of sophisticated websites that driven with high quality graphics and thousands line of Javascript code to perform cool animations.

In this posts, we have 10 Impressive websites with unusual Javascript effects along with a short reviews from me :) I'm inspired by all of them, and amazed by their creativity. I'm pretty sure it will open your eyes once again. Get ready to be amazed!

* You need to check the last one out!

  • The Art of FlightThe Art of FlightI found this website from one of the readers, the coolest stuff is not the design but the scrolling! You can observe the attention to detail, especially the short pause in each page and animation of all doodads.
  • Reverend DangerReverend DangerAbsolutely like the illustration style of this website and the toggle between two extreme - Reverend and Danger. It also uses scrolling to play the animation in each section.
  • S5 StyleS5 StyleWhat can I say, impressive subtle bubble animation in the background. Love the black and white clean and minimal design.
  • ImaginamosImaginamosBeautiful illustration with subtle animation in the header. Behold, it's a lot of javascript hidden treassures in there. Mouseover around you will get what I meant. Really cool.
  • Moods of NorwayMoods of NorwayYet another website that utilize the scrollbar animate the whole website. This one uses horizontal scrollbar
  • We Are EmpireWe Are EmpireA really simplewebsite with wnteresting navigation menu. The navigation is simple but it comes with attractive animation. I reckon it's a super long image and scroll it vertically.
  • SoulWireSoulWireImpressive portfolio website. Like all those very responsive effect all over the website and be sure to check his experiments with all kind of impressions.
  • Cascade Brewery Co. Cascade Brewery Co.I shared this link before, I can't help myself to share it again because this is a really cool website! Well-designed and beautiful illustrations and heavily relied on Javascript.
  • DotfusionDotfusionThe background changes everytime you refresh it, well either green or orange. Not just that, I like the main page big navigation but it took me a while to understand what's going on though. Basically, it loads different sub menu each time you click on different nav.
  • Draw Stick Man Draw Stick ManThis not a really a portfolio or company website! Stumbled upon it while writing this post. Wouldn't explain much I will let you play with it. :) It made with Javascript!
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Matthieu Brouillard 13 years ago
The latest one, the stick man, is really impressive.
adsensetemplates 13 years ago
love the animation at "Imaginamos"
Lisa Noble 13 years ago
All of these are very inspirational. Some things I would never have thought of at all. Thanks for sharing.
MagicDesigner 13 years ago
Stickman Rules !!!!!!! hahaha XD,
its awesome.. !!!!!
Reply 12 years ago
Very impressive design good use of javascript, good one for this, greetings
farrukh 10 years ago
where to learn making these kind of animations?