I stumbled upon this beautiful website - Simple Desktops, I must say, I love it so much and I ended up spending some times looking on each of the pages. The owner of the website - Tom Watson is right, sometimes, our desktop wallpaper is simply too distracting, it's time to change to something minimal and clean :)
The following is a list of wallpapers that caught my attention, click on it for 2560x 1600 version. Enjoy!
- Tube
- Holiday Tree
- |||||||
- Game-Boy
- Paper Plane
- Hiding Panda
- 3.5mm
- A little
- Chameleon
- Meditation Tree
- Colors
- Autumn is near
- Quit
- Charging
- Totoro
- Orion
- Lightbox Love
- Rainbox Rain
- Coffee
- Snacks
- Submarine Love
- iPhone
- Things - Camera
- It's Valentines
- Electric Piano
- Solar System
- Art in My Coffee
- Fall
- Arrows
- Penny
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