9 Brilliant jQuery Plugins and Tutorials

Written by Kevin Liew on 29 Nov 2010
56,040 Views • Javascript


A post about jQuery plugins and tutorials. It has been a while since I publish post about jQuery plugins, and the following are all brand new jQuery resources that I pretty sure will be really useful for your project. Worth to be mentioned is the Face detection script, I never thought jQuery will able to do this until I found this plugins, brilliant.

  • TN3 Gallery TN3 Gallery is a full fledged HTML based customizable photo gallery with slideshow, transitions and multiple album options. Compatible with all modern desktop and mobile browsers. Powered by jQuery.
  • Face Detection
    Face Detection
    Never thought jQuery will able to do this. A brilliant plugin that automatically detects faces in a picture.
  • Supersized!
    Supersized is a smart full screen image slider. It adjusts the image dimension ration according to the browser's dimension.
  • Hover Slide Effect
    Hover Slide Effect
    A tutorial to create a unique image sliders. You have to look at it to see what I meant.
  • Sliderman
    Sliderman.js is a standalone javascript library for sliding images. The main feature of Sliderman.js is multiple unique effects which can be combined together.
  • SpryMap
    SpryMap is a super lightweight dependency free Javascript widget that turns any HTML element into a Google Maps-like click and drag window. *Not a jQuery Plugin*
  • Latest Tweets Tooltips
    Latest Tweets Tooltips
    If you have a news website, it might be interesting for you to allow your users to see the latests tweets about a topic. Here is a jQuery plugin for showing the latest tweets about a certain word or phrase.
  • Quovolver
    Quovolver is a simple extension for jQuery that takes a group of quotes and displays them on your page in an elegant way.
  • SlideNote
    SlideNote is a customizable, flexible jQuery plugin that makes it easy to display sliding notifications on your website or in your web application. It’s also available as a WordPress plugin!
  • Orbit
    Orbit is a killer jQuery plugin that lets you create a simple, effective and beautiful slider for images of any size, and even includes some parameters for making awesome captions and a sweet timer.
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Raghibsuleman 14 years ago
xerox 14 years ago
awesome collection :)
Company Logo Design 14 years ago
Superb plugins i like this creative jquery plugin collection which really look great.
Thanks .
Mark 14 years ago
Good collection.
ajax Examples 14 years ago
thanks here you hava another great list of javascript galleries