Create a Thumbnail Gallery with Slick Heading and Caption Effect with jQuery

Written by Kevin Liew on 05 Aug 2009
225,550 Views • Tutorials


This is a simple jQuery tutorial, but can be extremely useful in frontend design. It's an elegant way to put more content in your website, but only display it when the user wants to see it. It keeps your website clean, but in the same time does not compromise your website content.

You can check out the demonstration and the code. :) enjoy.


It's simple, inside the container - photo class you have three objects, first div is the heading, image in the middle and last div is the caption. You can put links, rating whatever you like inside it.

<div class="photo">
	<div class="heading"><span>Pier</span></div>
	<img data-src="images/pier1.jpg" width="300" height="186" alt="" />
	<div class="caption"><span>Lorem de scua shemf huan rougt ecrit vato de souju kanasa.</span></div>

2. CSS

One thing you have to know about the CSS is, if you want to position objects within a container, the container must have relative position and the object must have absolute position too. In this case, photo class is the container, heading and caption classes are the objects with absolute position.

So, it's easy, by default, heading and caption classes are hidden with top (heading) set to -50px (the height of the heading) and same thing to caption, but instead of top, it's bottom.

I have shared this CSS tips in my 15+ CSS Tips and Tricks posts

	.photo {
		/* relative position, so that objects in it can be positioned inside this container */
		/* hide those extra height that goes beyong the size of this container */
		border:5px solid #000;
		.photo .heading, .photo .caption {
			/* position inside the container */
			/* transparency for different browsers */
			/* i have shared this in my CSS tips post too */
			-khtml-opacity: 0.6;  

		.photo .heading { 
			/* hide it with negative value */
			/* it's the height of heading class */

		.photo .caption { 		
			/* hide it with negative value */
			/* it's the height of bottom class */

		/* styling of the classes*/
		.photo .heading span {

			padding:5px 0 0 10px;
		.photo .caption span{
			padding:5px 10px 0 10px;

3. Javascript

Javascript is pretty straight forward, just display the div and hide the div, the only difference between the heading and caption is, the css properties (top and bottom), I added the easing as well to give your more option in choosing the right transition for your image thumbnail gallery.

	$(document).ready(function () {

		// transition effect
		style = 'easeOutQuart';

		// if the mouse hover the image
			function() {
				//display heading and caption
				$(this).children('div:first').stop(false,true).animate({top:0},{duration:200, easing: style});
				$(this).children('div:last').stop(false,true).animate({bottom:0},{duration:200, easing: style});

			function() {
				//hide heading and caption
				$(this).children('div:first').stop(false,true).animate({top:-50},{duration:200, easing: style});
				$(this).children('div:last').stop(false,true).animate({bottom:-50},{duration:200, easing: style});



This is a simple jQuery tutorial, but can be extremely useful in frontend design. It's an elegant way to put more content on your website, but only display it when the user want it. It keeps your website clean, but in the same time provide all the information to your visitors.

Last but not least, I need your support :) If you like this article, please help me to promote it by adding this post to your bookmark, subscribe to my RSS for more jQuery tutorial and design inspiration posts! AND also, you can BUY ME A DRINK (link in the footer) to motivate me and keep me awake! Thanks!

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Carlos 15 years ago
Thanks for the amazing tutorial once again! i´ve just a "noob" problem i guess, i can´t make it work when i change the isolated css to an external sheet. any ideas?
Carlos 15 years ago
wrong comment link :s I´m sorry, i was trying to comment this link instead
Daniel 15 years ago
Nice. Thanks for the script.
Shelley 15 years ago
where do I put the java?
lin 15 years ago
very good effect.
i like very much.
Liam 15 years ago
Love it. I really need one thing though - is there a way to reset the timer back to 5 seconds (or whatever it's set as) when you click on a next/previous button? Currently it is a bit annoying to browse through the slides, as every 5 seconds it skips forward regardless.
kevin Admin 15 years ago
Hi Liam, I don't get what you mean. It's not a slideshow and it doesn't have next/previous buttons.
daniel 15 years ago
wery cool cant wait to use it
pratham dutta 15 years ago
Hi I am web designer can anyone send me a javascript image slider tutorials with next previous buttons
daniel 15 years ago
I have noticed that IE8 doesn't suport transparency on mouse hover like firefox..
to bad realy... any way I'm using it for my portfolio :) realy cool!
Sergio Martos 15 years ago
Hi, thanks for the amazing tutorial… I really need one thing though: is possible add rounded corners in this tutorial? Thank you very much..!
kevin Admin 15 years ago
@Sergio: you can use the css3 for the rounded border, or you have to make a rounded border images.

@Francesco: hey francesco, unfortunately, this isn't a slideshow, just an effect that you can apply to thumbnail :)
Francesco 15 years ago
Very useful script! But what if I need to avoid the images' rewind? I'd like to see the first photo as a continuos slideshow.
Thanks for helping!