Five Mobile Apps to Consider for Co-Parenting

Written by Kevin Liew on 15 Mar 2021
66,166 Views • Mobile Apps

Child custody and visitation has always been a source of conflict for most divorces. But at the end of the day, all parties involved have to put the child’s interest first. That’s why a court has the jurisdiction to mandate couples to use a co-parenting app for visitation and communication purposes.

However, co-parenting apps are not only for couples whose divorces are complicated. Ex-spouses who are still on good terms and even came to a child custody agreement independently could also use the apps for enhanced scheduling, planning, and communication. 

It can be confusing to know where to start when looking for the best co-parenting apps. Here’s a list of five apps to get you started.  

1. Cozi

Cozi is a simple-to-use color-coded mobile app for organizing family life. It is especially useful for co-parents because of the Family Calendar and To-Do Lists features. 

Parents can create a calendar of activities for themselves and their children. This way, each can see where and when they are supposed to be at a particular time. The app even sends a reminder so that you don’t miss an important event. 

2. Our Family Wizard

OurFamilyWizard has been helping couples co-parent for nearly two decades now. It is recognized by courts and most judges are likely to recommend the same to divorcing parents. 

Some of the app’s key features include a messaging board, expenses log, information center, and shared calendar. There’s also a feature where parents can communicate and collaborate with attorneys and mediators too.

If budgeting is not an issue, OurFamilyWizard is one of the best co-parenting mobile apps.

3. AppClose

While nearly all co-parenting apps require a premium subscription either after a predetermined period or to access advanced features, AppClose is absolutely free. 

The app has an inbuilt messaging system where you can talk privately with your co-parent or in a group with other parties like grandparents. Messaging also allows the user to send messages to contacts who are not registered on the app, through email or social media. 

Other features include an electronic payment system, shared calendars, and the ability to send requests like swapping visitation time when unavoidable circumstances come up. 

4. TalkingParents

The primary goal of TalkingParents is to promote communication methods that demand accountability from both parents. 

A secure messaging feature records and stores all messages without the ability to delete them in the future, in case they are required to settle future conflicts. In addition, the app provides unlimited document and messaging records downloads. 

If you are looking for a family lawyer, TalkingParents has a region-based database where you can search for local services too.

5. 2Houses

Ideal for organization and communication, 2Houses has unique features that warrant its appearance on this list. 

Besides a shared calendar and check-in records, the app has an area to record expenses for easy calculations and avoidance of arguments.

The 2Houses Journal even allows parents to record and share special moments with the other through images, videos, and notes. 

Final Thoughts

Remember that the solution you choose the first time might not be the ideal one for you and your ex-partner. 

It is important to try a few apps before settling on one that is convenient for both partners and most importantly, the children. A majority have a definitive trial period which you can use to decide. Your attorney for child visitation disputecan also give you a few ideas to start your search. 

Ultimately, the right app to use for co-parenting will depend on your specific needs. Identify these before beginning and you are bound to come out with the perfect co-parenting app.

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