Make clients care about UX when designing their websites

Written by Bogdan Sandu on 19 Jul 2018
13,397 Views • Web Design

UX is a relatively new insight into website design techniques, and as a result, there is often little understanding of what it means.  Clients may be unsure of why they should use UX for their sites. For most of them, terms like UX designer, or UX researcher are close to science fiction.  

User-centered website design is beginning to make an impact on the industry.  However, there is still work to be done when it comes to recognizing the benefits.

It is about them, not you

When trying to get a message across about the value of UX, try to remember that a business will always have the company’s interests at heart.  No matter how website designers try to share the value of UX, is unhelpful to see a none – responsive business as simply stubborn opposition. This will not help in the long run.

Instead, we need to look at web development and solutions from a company’s perspective, assisting them to explore any problems they are having.  Listening to a company’s pains and exploring them is far more helpful than trying to push a solution. In the place of arguing, we should listen.  A shared search for solutions may just provide a helpful way in.

Share honestly with a business

When it comes to conducting user research into a website, share your true motives with a company.  You are not simply doing this as part of a web design procedure. You are doing it so that you can build an effective site.  

As a website designer, it is always possible to design without taking users into account.  The site may even be good. However, without including users, it is possible to make mistakes which are hard to solve.  Users help guide designers.  They show where a site is effective, and where it needs work done.

Walk through your prototype with stakeholders

When it comes to your prototype, walk through it with a company’s stakeholders.  When you believe in your design, place it in the hands of the most senior stakeholder in the company.  

Ask them to work through your prototype.  If the design fails, you will be able to learn from your mistakes.  If it failed due to limits placed on you by the company, you will be able to talk through this with them.  If the design is a success, your senior stakeholder will be impressed and pave a path for future developments.

Create a visual illustration of the design process

Many clients don’t understand what goes into website design.  They simply want to end up with a great result. By creating a visual wall, where you record the process, you will show clients how you design.  This working wall will also give clients insight into the UX process. This will show what goes into each step and the time it takes to get it right.

When you have a working wall, clients can ask you questions about the process.  They will also be able to see what you are working on and how far you are progressing.  They will be able to understand the decisions you have made. Your visual wall can help you to start conversations as well as increase the transparency behind UX.

Your last client is your best salesperson

Your work completed for previous clients will provide a trustworthy reference for your abilities.  Clients will listen to the first-hand experiences of others.

You can provide a case study along with any previous references.  You’ll be able to show new clients the confidence you have in your work.  They will be able to establish what they can expect of you and why your work has value.

Why build trust

If you see a business with faded signage, cracked windows and a cluttered and chaotic interior, you would be reluctant to make a purchase from them.  The same is true of a website. Clients will often abandon a chaotic and untidy site.  

When you are working to reveal the value of UX design, take the following steps:

  • Show consistency
  • Be open and transparent
  • Show security in what you are offering
  • Let the stats speak for themselves
  • Allow existing customers to share the value of your work
  • Explain the importance of safety measures
  • Explain why it matters that a site is orderly
  • Make your clients a part of your organization
  • Allow them to engage on any platform they prefer
  • Remember that quality content is still king

Don’t attempt to place new technology in the centre of your designs

When it comes to technology, it is often tempting to focus on the newest models.  Many people believe that this will help them to improve and grow their businesses.  However, it is often more effective to think of site users and how they will experience a product.  

This means that while chatbots offer a great technological advancement, they may not be specific enough to fulfil a client’s needs.  This might not add value to your customer experience.

It is, therefore, most important to understand your customers.  Your user interface (UI) and user experience need to combine. Each aspect of your site needs to work towards meeting client needs while representing your brand.

Any technology you use needs to add to your user experience.  This will enable your brand to stand out. If you were to add a Chatbot to your site, the tone would need to be consistent with each aspect of your site.  Your Chatbot needs to respond to customer needs, rather than frustrate them.

By designing each and every aspect of your site around UX, you will be able to move your site from good to great.  This means clients will be likely to return.

Create a site which will hold your clients’ attention

On average, the average internet viewer will form an impression of your site in just 8 seconds.  If your site is not appealing, your viewer will ‘bounce’ away from your site. Viewers who have a set time to read the content on your site would rather read an aesthetic and well-designed article than something plain.

This research shows the importance of paying attention to user experience.  Designing a site with a great user interface keeps your site usable. Both of these factors will play a role in maintaining your viewers' interests and increasing your conversion rate.  

Simple tips and techniques can help you to improve your site.  By keeping your site simple and not overwhelming your viewer, you will improve your user experience.  Likewise, your user cannot memorize too many items at once.  Trying to do so will be overwhelming for your viewer.  It is by understanding the human side of site use that you will increase your value to clients.

As a site designer, you want to make your site intuitive and easy to use.  You want to reduce the effort your clients need to make. You also want to provide them with information which is relevant, personal and easy to remember.  In order to do this, it is helpful to monitor how your users respond to your site. Keep working on your UI in order to enhance usability.

Use your site to tell a story

Big brands such as Uber all tell stories.  These stories are accompanied by logos, copy and emotionally resonant imagery.  However, these factors alone are not enough to share a message.

In order to receive a message, clients need to engage with a site.  This is where UX and UI come into play. In order to tell a story and give your clients the opportunity to receive it, you need to focus on UX.  From your user interface to your site design and any technology you add, you need to ensure you capture your user’s attention.

It is only when your user fully engages that you can tell your story.  Your users have to identify with your brand, and your message must remain consistent in each aspect of your design.  Your end result must add value to your clients.

Keep your designs responsive, so that your customer receives the same clear message across multiple devices.  From mobile phones and tablets to wearables, customers may view your site across multiple screen sizes. Ensure that your site will still resonate and that your user will find it easy to navigate.

Ultimately, your goal is to create an enjoyable customer experience.  By focusing on your user interface, and how this adds to your user experience, you will be able to achieve a positive end result.  


When designing your websites, keep your end user in mind.  In order to offer a great UX, you will need to add a human touch.  Your users are human beings who want to access a site which is easy to use and which has valuable content.  Business benefits when UX is taken into account during website design.

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