No Coding Skills? No Problem! You can build a WordPress website with Elementor

Written by Kevin Liew on 20 Jun 2018
9,673 Views • WordPress

WordPress challenge #1 is how to design a website down to the finest detail without having to resort to coding. WordPress challenge #2 is how to avoid being constrained by or “stuck” in a theme when you’re trying to design a website that will have a look and feel that’s precisely as you intended.

These challenges are not only real, but they’ve always been either difficult or impossible to overcome.

Elementor has changed that by creating the ultimate website builder for WordPress. Now, you can design every piece of your website, including headers and footers, exactly how you want to, down to the minutest detail without having to write a single line of code. You’re not constrained by any theme, and you can also create visual dynamic content throughout your website with clicks, not code.

Elementor amassed a user base exceeding 900,000 web designers in 2 years.

1. Introducing Elementor – The #1 WordPress Page Builder


We’ve just touched upon the Elementor design team’s goal. Create a page builder that doesn’t require the use of coding or requiring a user to have to build everything from scratch, and one that enables its user to avoid becoming “stuck” in a theme.

The result of the team’s effort was a builder where all your design work is done visually on the frontend with instant results. At the same time, you always have total control over your design and your layout customization as you proceed.

Like any other team of professionals, the Elementor team wasn’t 100% satisfied with the final outcome of their efforts. As popular as their Elementor theme builder quickly became, they made it even more powerful and flexible with the release of the theme builder which, with the exception of one new feature yet to be released, is now in the hands of the users.

2. Elementor 2.0 and Elementor’s Newest Features

These new features have resolved several sticky web design issues; the difficulty in designing a blog in line with your expectations; completely designing a header or footer without requiring coding; getting “stuck” in a theme; and, problems reusing content.

Build your blog as you envisioned it


The new Single Posts & Archive builder feature enables you to design and build a blog that’s exactly as you imagined it to be. Not only can you design and build it, you can do so lightning fast, while at the same time having full control over every design detail. A net result is achieving an optimized workflow that compromises neither flexibility nor quality.

Special elements can be put into play to customize the Single Post Feature and jazz up your Blog Archive to give your blog a more original and personal look and an added touch of personality.

You also have the ability to design a Search Results page to your liking, and at the same time make it easier for your users to find what they’re looking for.

Designing your headers and footers


The traditional approach to header and footer design is to select one of several options. Sometimes the selected option can be tweaked or customized, sometimes not.

With Elementor 2.0, you can fully customize the header and footer areas to get precisely what you want using Elementor’s intuitive visual editor. If you’ve ever build a toy house with building blocks, you should have no problem creating a header/footer.

Nor, are you stuck with the header you just created. Simply build another one if you want a different header on a different page. You can do it quickly, and (of course) without coding.

The sticky header is another feature that’s popular with designers and users alike. The sticky header will follow users down the page as they scroll; helping them navigate through the site.

Use Dynamic Content to “escape” a theme


A series of features were introduced to deal with this issue; one being Single Post & Page that lets you apply a template you designed as many times as you want on a series of blog posts and pages.

Using the Blog Archive feature, you can design your blog a piece at a time and see the results first hand, or create your own 404 template, customize your Search Results page, or last but not least, create a cool single post template using Elementor’s Featured Image, Author Box, and Post Title dynamic widgets.

Great dynamic content? Use it as much as you like


What’s best about Elementor’s dynamic content is once you’ve designed it, you can use it again and again. You can also create a framework for your content and apply it throughout your website – with a single click if you reuse content that’s already on your WordPress site.

Yet another nice thing about dynamic content; making a change, big or tiny, no longer requires coding.

3. What Made Elementor #1 WordPress Page Builder?

The features contained in Elementor’s initial release quickly made it #1. The Elementor 2.0 team kept those popular features to ensure the page builder would remain #1 before adding even more.

The popular features that made Elementor #1:

Total Layout Customization


Layout customization or high layout customization wasn’t enough. The Elementor team wanted something better, and they produced it in the form of total layout customization. Users were given extensive control over section widths and heights, content position, and column size and position.

Total customization was also extended to provide more powerful tools such as  mobile editing, visual form builder, nav menu,  role manager and design oriented setting: dynamic padding, margin, and column gap size settings, with the net result being a cleaner design.

A more than impressive Template Library


Elementor’s selection of beautiful pre-designed templates covers a vast array of industries and industry sectors, niches, and website styles. You also have the option to design your own pages and save them with the templates for later use.

Templates can be imported, exported, and shared with other designers.

40+Elements Included


This free package includes special advanced widgets like Carousel and Google Maps, plus an assortment of customizable widgets you can use with the live page builder to create any layout you want down to the tiniest of details.

You can also automatically embed your own preferred widgets and plugins into Elementor without having to write a single line of code to do so.

100% Responsive Design


The Elementor team knew that anything less than being 100% responsive could make or break a website, so they devoted a 110% effort to ensuring their users’ designs would appear flawless on any device.

This is accomplished through device visibility controls, percentage-based element widths, and preview screens so that website users will experience your website exactly as you intended.

Conclusion: Why you should try Elementor now


Elementor offered a new and different way to design websites; making it possible for designers to do their design work in ways they’ve always wanted to by experiencing total control, by not being subject to a particular theme’s constraints, and without having to write a line of code.

That was just the beginning, and Elementor 2.0 is making all of this even easier to accomplish.

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