Many of the online streaming videos housed on websites nowadays are actually Flash videos and in most cases there won’t be an option to ‘download’ the video or save it. In short if you were hoping to be able to save a particular video to watch it later, you’re likely to be disappointed.
The good news is that despite the fact that there may not be an option to download the Flash video that you want to save – you can get around that by recording it instead. With the help of Movavi Screen Recorder you will be able to ‘download’ any Flash video from a website by recording it from your screen.
If you already have a video that you want to download, open the website but don’t play the video just yet. Instead, launch Movavi Screen Recorder and click and drag your mouse cursor to draw a frame over the video on the website – so that it records that part of your screen.
Don’t worry if you aren’t happy with the initial frame that you draw, as you can reposition and resize it at any time. When you are satisfied, take a look at the interface to make sure the ‘System Audio’ icon is highlighted so that Movavi Screen Recorder captures the sound from the Flash video.
Assuming that checks out – you should be ready to start recording. All you need to do is press ‘REC’ and then play the Flash video. After that you can use the controls on Movavi Screen Recorder’s interface to pause, stop, or cancel the recording – or you could use the hotkeys to do so as well.
When you do press ‘Stop’, Movavi Screen Recorder will save the Flash video you recorded in MKV format automatically. It will also open up a preview window so you can check the recording and trim out any parts you don’t need. If you do make changes or if you just want to save the video in a different format, you can click ‘Save As’ and select the format or preset that you’d like to use.
It is worth noting that there are some other features that may prove helpful in Movavi Screen Recorder. Within its options you can set the frame rate, volume levels, or even set it up to capture keyboard and mouse actions. More importantly it is possible to schedule the recording and automate it, so you don’t need to manually control it or babysit it until it is done.
Although initially using this method to download Flash video from website may sound clunky and difficult – it is actually anything but. If you go ahead and try it out for yourself, you’ll be able to see firsthand that it is possible to set up and start recording any video from a website in a minute or less. Simply put it is a quick, easy, and universal way to be able to save any videos that you want to.
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