A while ago, I was assigned with a job in my company. As a front-end developer, I'm in charge of building the CMS interface for our internal project. I choose Twitter Bootstrap which saved us heaps of time in the end. Also, we made an effort to think of the most intuitive and easy to use interface to organize our content structure. In the end we have decided to create a drag-and-drop interface which you can choose different modules (on the right hand side), and drag it a few predefined placeholders (on the left had side). The final working prototype is great, fulfilled our requirements, and it provides a great user experience.
Not long after that, I got an email from Elegant Themes, and got introduced by their new WordPress Plugin which ultimately doing the same thing, but it's more flexible and I have to say, it's much better.
The Elegant Themes Builder
Elegant Themes Builder is a WordPress plugin to organize the structuring content on your page. It's has been made available no only to all its WordPress themes, but also as a plugin that you can use it in other WordPress themes as well.
Different concept from wysiwyg website builder, Elegant Themes Builder allows you to choose different content components. This plugin creates a visual drag-and-drop area where you can add, arrange and re-size advanced element on your page. This builder appears below the normal text editor when you create a post or page, creating a unique canvas for each.
Countless Modules
Another awesome feature: Elegant Themes Builder comes with a handful of modules that allow you to create advanced UI easily. List of available modules: Logo, Paper, Video, Testimonial, Slogan, Image Slider, Button, Horizontal Bar, List, Toggle, Tabs, Simple Slider, Pricing Table, Box, Text Block, Widget Area and Image.
All these modules will help you to design your own unique layout in a few minutes. You can make further adjustment and customize the layout according to your needs. It's easily to adjust the size of the modules, by clicking and dragging the edge of the element's box within the builder.
You can check out the live theme demo, a page that built by the builder.
Flexible Layout
Also, It has a built-in column section which allow you to create different column arrangement. The predefined column layouts are 1/2 Column, 1/3 Column, 1/4 Column, 2/3 Column, 3/4 Column and lastly a Resizable Column that let you define your own width.
In Queness, we don't review product/service that often, but Elegant Themes Builder WordPress plugin is something that worth to be mentioned. If you want better control of your WordPress theme layout, I recommend this plugin. Price-wise, you will need to get a developer package which priced at $89, but keep in mind, you will get a whole lot - you get to access a few more useful WordPress theme plugins and also all the premium WordPress themes.
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