A Collection of Free Stock Photos That’s Yours to Download

Written by Kevin Liew on 18 May 2017
11,608 Views • Web Design

FreePhotos.cc has assembled a collection of high-quality Creative Commons stock forces from several popular sources. These free images have been placed in topical categories (e.g., Food, Dog, Sky) from which you can download those you might have a use for. FreePhotos.cc is not associated with these services, but simply provides you with a power search capability that you can take advantage of to view and select whichever images you want.

Fifteen Popular Topics; with Each Offering a Wealth of Possibilities

Business photos

To some, the word “business” conjures up an image of a suit and tie. To others, it’s a neighborhood Mom and Pop store. To still others, it’s desks with laptops, or conference rooms. This selection of stock photos has all the above, and more. You’ll find images of high rise office buildings, urban street scenes, or employees working together.

Office photos

Images featured in this topics range from modern, empty conference rooms, to cluttered work areas, and from plush corner offices with views befitting senior executives, to entrepreneurs working from home. You can download images of office workers on the go, office workers at lunch, and photos of briefcases, presentations, laptops, and first responders at work.

Food photos

For an image within this topic to be considered high quality, the image itself must look almost good enough to eat. That’s true of most of these food stock photos that you can pick from and download for free. There’s plenty to choose from, including fresh foods, prepared foods and food preparation, table settings, and people enjoying their meals and snacks.

People photos

People watching is a fun activity, and that can hold true for still images of people as well. Whether it’s a crowd of pedestrians crossing an intersection, or individuals seen against a beautiful backdrop, the human presence can add a lot to the images you use in your website or blog. Both kids, and adults acting like kids, make great subject matter.

Flower photos

If you are fond of daisies, daffodils, dahlias, or dandelions, you find them in this colorful selection of free stock photos. Even if your favorite flower isn’t included in the selection, although it could well be sometime soon, there’s plenty of material to brighten up your blog or website; including wildflowers, bouquets, flowering trees and, of course, roses.

Computer photos

At times, it seems as if laptops and coffee cups are inseparable. There are lots of images of standalone laptops in this selection of downloadable images, so if you don’t care for the coffee cups, no editing is necessary. This mostly high-tech selection offers images of computer users, vintage computers, hard drives, cool computer-generated displays, and more.

Sky photos

Many of the common cloud formations can be found here; but if you’re like most people, you enjoy watching clouds for their own sake; whether you’re above them or below them. Lots of cloudy skies here, plus beautiful clear blue skies, spectacular sunrises and sunsets, and a few awesome shots of the night sky as well.

Car photos

Sports cars, classic cars, vintage automobiles, and rust buckets. They’re all well represented in this interesting collection. If you remember the days when fins and lots of chrome were all the rage, you’ll find images of both that you can download for free. You might even come across a shot of the automobile make and model you would like to own again.

Dog photos

Dogs with adults, dogs with kids, big dogs, little dogs, and dogs doing what they do best – napping. Browse this wonderful selection of canine photos, and you’re certain to find plenty of material to dress up your pet-oriented blogs or websites. Not all breeds are represented of course, but you’ll find more than a few of the favorites.

Coffee photos

There’s something about a photo of a cup of coffee that’s especially inviting; something that an image of a glass of milk or a soft drink can’t quite duplicate. This selection of free stock photos includes images of coffee in familiar settings, such as paired with a laptop or the morning paper. Coffee beans and coffee shops make appearances as well.

City photos

Whether it’s a cityscape, a side street, images of centuries-old buildings, or people walking through canyons of high-rise office building, there’s plenty to choose from in this topic that’s all about cities and city living. You’ll probably recognize several cities at a glance, as well as a few famous landmarks. The nighttime shots are particularly impressive.

Cat photos

Cats do not like to be dressed up; so, don’t expect to find too many images like this one in this fine collection of our feline friends and the people they own. As usual, it’s the images of adorable kittens that tend to stand out; but there are photos of less-adorable cats as well – namely, the big cats.

Nature photos

This wide-open topic has something of value for just about everyone. It features excellent stock photos of nature scenes, and of people enjoying nature’s offerings. Choose among high-quality images of mountains, lakes, and rivers, or farmland, wildflowers, and hiking trails. Birds, butterflies, horses, and wild animals make occasional appearances as well.

Family photos

This family selection features the obvious; families at home and at play, and family picnics, outings, get-togethers, and images of family members walking together and holding hands. Non-human families are also well represented; including such diverse animal species as elephants, lions, and owls. Little children, baby swans (cygnets), and ducklings are subjects in some of the more delightful shots.

Music photos

Listen to the music. You can almost hear it while browsing through these delightful stock photos. This selection contains lots of images of musical instruments, and people playing them. If you need a shot of a crowd enjoying a rock concert, one featuring sheet music, of a drum set, a guitar, or an accordion; you’ll find it in this ever-changing, ever-improving selection.


It’s always good to have a few quality stock photos on hand, so don’t be stingy while working your way through one of more of these selections, and downloading any images which particularly appeal to you. With five exceptional stock photo resources to choose from, you simply can’t go wrong!

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