Custom Logo Design Makes Your Business Stand Out

Written by Kevin Liew on 23 Mar 2015
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In Elle Smith’s The Importance of Personal Branding in Graphic Designs, an article posted on, the author notes how crucial  a memorable graphic is, and how “most businesses get lost in a sea of logos” without it.

She further adds that it’s important for business owners to garner interest, saying “…your personal brand must get noticed. A memorable personal branding campaign is essential to convey your values, vision, character and ambitions.” One such branding tool is the logo.--To stand out, you need to do something unique. Placing a custom lighted commercial sign is something that not many people take into consideration. It is, however, something that can help revitalize and help market any business

Crowdsourcing contests for logos

Given how hefty the web design charges were in the past, startups and small businesses really had to have deep pockets to be able to afford such services. Enter crowdsourcing sites like Designhill. These days, hiring an excellent designer to come up with promotional visuals, including a logo, now comes at a fraction of the cost of what plenty of professionals ask for. Custom logo design by Designhill artists has made it possible for small businesses and startups to save on a ton of costs and still get quality web design work.

That’s why there’s simply no logical reason in the world anymore for your business or startup to lack a proper, professional logo. Don’t think a custom logo is all that helpful to your business? After all, a small image, with little to no text can hardly make a difference, right?

If that’s what you really believe, then read on to learn the right logo design makes your business stand out. From articles published by the and the, find out why a custom logo design is crucial to your company’s long-term growth strategy.

First impressions

The logo is often the first thing your customers see. Imagine a few of them finding their way onto your site. Yes, they’ll look over your product list or service pages, your FAQ page, delivery information and your returns page policy. Those are all given. However, most businesses forget that customers also look to the logo, first thing. They get a sense of the company through the logo design. A good, strong logo can mean a good, strong brand. That’s a great first impression. And building a positive first impression always matters. If they like what they see, that can only mean good things for your customer base, sales and bottom line.

Brand recall

A good logo is memorable. It stands out, not because it’s old or seemingly out of place but because it’s clever, has the right note of outrageousness or uniqueness that makes people like it. It’s timeless, too, so people remember it in the best way. And it’s never boring. All these qualities, in whatever degrees, make up the best logos out there. These make it easy for consumers to remember a logo—and by association, your brand, your business, along with your products or services. Every year, advertising companies spend billions of industry dollars just to create that effect: brand recall. Being able to do the same with a well-designed, well-conceptualize logo is excellent, cost-efficient marketing.


Great logo designs are cohesive. This enforces several things for customers. That the people, the team, behind the business know what they’re doing. It makes you all kinds of credible and reliable. A bad logo, however, can damage your credibility. If your brand isn’t at all connected to your logo, in any way, it can throw customers off. It can make them doubt your professional expertise. A logo, after all, is such a small thing. A company that can’t get that right hardly inspires confidence in its ability to handle things, much less any business they would have sent your way.


As soon as you put a logo out there, it automatically becomes a natural extension of your company. And as such, is subjected to too much scrutiny from your chosen market. For customers, a logo is a reflection of your business. A sleek, well-made logo design, then, can speak volumes on the level and quality of your professionalism. That’s something customers like. A shoddy-looking logo, however, can turn clients away faster than you can stick out your hand and say “hello.”

Worth it

When you’ve got your logo, your brand, all in order, it makes consumers trust you more. That means they’ll be willing to pay more, too, for your products. Top of the line service commands top of the line rates. Clients who see a crummy-looking logo won’t be all that willing to do that, though. It’s not simply a matter of having paid for a bad logo. It’s the fact that you approved of it too that makes clients think twice about hiring you or getting your products. If you can tolerate a substandard logo, it’s not a stretch to think that you’ll tolerate the same quality from your own products. 

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