When You Want a Professional Form for Your Website, But Don’t Want to Build One

Written by Kevin Liew on 21 Dec 2014
61,471 Views • Announcement

The Form Theme Store is fresh and hot off the press. The first ever marketplace for buying and selling form themes, the Theme Store is exciting for designers as well as everybody else.

A win-win situation, the Theme Store allows designers to sell the themes they create, so that we all benefit from being able to simply browse and choose a quality form theme without having to create it ourselves. Because sometimes, we just want a talented designer to do the heavy lifting for us! We can now sit back and browse through the fruits of other people’s labor. An added bonus, several forms are award winning.

Why use themes for your forms? When we think of forms, most of us think about contact forms, or checkout forms when you make a purchase online. However, forms are so much more than an efficient way to enter and receive information. A visually attractive form makes working with your website more pleasant and more organized. Using a great looking form instead of placing your email address on a contact page greatly reduces the amount of spam you receive, as well as giving off a much more professional appearance. A form is also more user friendly as it is more convenient to simply fill out a form and hit “submit” then it is to make the user open their email client, copy and paste your email address, open a new message and compose an email.

Arguably even more important than a contact form, if you’re an online business then you must get your e-commerce form right. If your checkout form is unclear or a pain to use, then your fickle customer could just think ‘forget it.’ Just like that, you could lose a sale. E-commerce forms must be intuitive and user-friendly to make the payment process a breeze. JotForm’s e-commerce forms are fully integrated with payment tools including PayPal and Stripe, for a safe and trusted checkout experience.

Since forms are a vital part of every website, you do not want this important component to be sloppy, unappealing, and cumbersome. The Theme Store enables you to easily check out ready-made form themes are that fully customizable and effortlessly integrated to your website. These form themes are created by designers using the Form Designer, which is the most advanced form designer currently available. This JotForm product is synced with countless applications, including PayPal, Stripe, Dropbox and more.

Check out the Theme Store today!

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1 comment
Eric 10 years ago
Wow, nice resource. Thanks!