Become a Web Developer from Scratch

Written by Kevin Liew on 22 Sep 2014
52,280 Views • Web Development

Web development is a very interesting industry, you don't learn just one language, but at least 3 - HTML, CSS and Javascript. And as you progress through the journey, you pretty much will pick up some other languages such as server side languages such as node, php and MySQL. Also, you will learn how to use different types of frameworks, plugins and extensions to speed up the development process.

From career perspective, web developer is in high demand. The explosion of Internet devices (smartphones, tablest, etc), online e-cormmence and the importance of online present have been the main reasons of the blooming in web development industry. If you want to change your career or pick up a new skill, now is the best time.

And, the good news is, you don't need a degree to become a web developer and you can learn this skill via Internet.

Become a Web Developer from scratch

Introducing an Udemy course by Victor Bastos - Become a Web Developer from Scratch. This course covers everything you need to know about web development. You will learn almost everything starting from HTML, CSS and JS to Backend and Advanced frontend development skills.

This course has over 45 hours worth of lecture content, 39,000+ enrolled students and 2,000+ active discussions. The lecturer - Victor Bastos is a web developer with 6 years of experiences working for some web development companies in Portugal, Span and England and eventually discovered his true passion in teaching. From his precious commercial experiences plus the enthusiasm in teaching, you'll get an easy to learn and practical web development lessons.

So, don't worry if you're not a programmer. This course is designed for almost everyone as long as you have Internet access and a computer. There are total of 238 lectures in this course in written text and video formats. If you have questions, there is discussion in each lecture too!

This course uses varieties of methods to deliver lessons. It has video tutorials, text material, exercises, manuals and other resources to help you succeed. There are currently over 39,000 students enrolled to this course. Anyone looking to get into web development should sign up today -- no prior experience necessary.

Going Through the Course

I actually went through a few lessons in this course to find out if it's really designed for the beginners. As a web developer myself, sometimes I found it hard to explain certain web development concept to my non-programmer colleagues. In this case, I can see Victor uses simple words or real world examples to illustrate web development jargons. This somehow is the most important thing for beginner who want to learn but doesn't want to get overwhelmed by technical terms.

Besides that, in some of the lessons, you will be given some useful resources, tips and tricks. For example, a useful website such as to find out all CSS properties and its values. Useful tools such as LiveCSSEditor is introduced as well. These are the tools we need to speed up the development process and along the journey you will find yourself using quite a lot of them.

Another worth to be mentioned lesson - content embedding. It has a lesson teaches us how to embed different content into web pages. Learn how to embed Google Map, Youtube video and Twitter Tweet. Once you know how to do this, you basically know how to embed the rest such as facebook likebox, vimeo video, instagram and other content type too. Good stuff.

As you moving forward, you will learn PHP & MySQL, and the famous Javascript framework - jQuery. The entire course will equip you with all the languages and skills you'll need to build a complete website. Not just website, you can build a custom CMS out of it or a javascript and AJAX driven web application. All you need to do now is start the lesson.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 238 lectures and 38.5 hours of content!
  • Support team ready to answer your questions in less than 24h.
  • Course updated regularly with the latest features and updates in the world of Web Development.
  • Massive Q&A with awesome community!
  • 8 Chapters covering the most popular programming languages in Web Development nowadays.
  • HTML, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, XML, jSON, AJAX, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Exercises, manuals and reference guides in each chapter.
  • Final Projects for each Chapter like creating a Basic Static Website, build a CRUD SYSTEM testsite with PHP and MySQL, build a fully functional Register/Login system with PHP, MySQL, AJAX and jQuery and more!
  • Each Final Project will have the source code available for download.
  • Exclusive Access to Onclick Academy as a Beta Tester
  • Certificate of Completion

80% Discount. Sign Up Today!

No doubt, Become a Web Developer From Scratch course is one of the most comprehensive course you can find online. I'm blessed to have free access to read through the lecture, and I'm truly amazed by its lecture content quality and coverage of different web development languages.

Besides that, Udemy online course platform plays an important role too. You can access lessons, source codes, and discussions easily, everything is designed to be intuitive and user friendly.

Do you feel intrigued by the features and quality of this course? You can Sign Up today with this 80% off coupon queness39 and kick start your Web Development career now! (80% discount code only valid until 30 September 2014.)

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