10 Powerful Responsive Lightboxes

Written by Kevin Liew on 23 May 2013
235,160 Views • Web Development

Lightbox has always been one of the great method to display images without having to refresh a page. Nowadays, with the booming of responsive websites, lightboxes also have evolved to adapt nicely with the trendy responsive layout.

Here we have 10 responsive lightboxes. Its modal window resizes itself to fit into the window viewport. We even found one robust lightbox called Visual Lightbox that come with a free downloadable lightbox generator to create powerful lightboxes without have to learn javascript!

Without further ado, check there out:

Visual LightBox
Visual LightBox is the only responsive lightbox that comes with a free wizard program to assist you generate cross-browser, responsive, degrade gracefully and lightweight photo galleries easily. It's available as Prototype or jQuery plugin, dozen of themes and allow you to export as Joomla module or WordPress plugin easily.


CSS Modal
Modals built with pure CSS, this makes it accessible, cross-browser, media-adaptive, small and fast!


Magnific Popup
Magnific Popup is a free responsive jQuery lightbox plugin that is focused on performance and providing best experience for user with any device (Zepto.js compatible).


fancyBox is a tool that offers a nice and elegant way to add zooming functionality for images, html content and multi-media on your webpages. It is built on the top of the popular JavaScript framework jQuery and is both easy to implement and a snap to customize.


iLightBox allows you to easily create the most beautiful responsive overlay windows using the jQuery JavaScript library. By combining support for a wide range of media with gorgeous skins and a user-friendly API, iLightBox aims to push the Lightbox concept as far as possible.


Fresco is a beautiful responsive lightbox. It can be used to create stunning overlays that work great at any screen size, in all browsers on every device.


Chocolat is a jQuery based lightbox plugin to create lightbox gallery easily.


Shadowbox JS
Shadowbox is a web-based media viewer application that supports all of the web's most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable.


rlightbox is a jQuery UI mediabox that can display many types of content such as images, YouTube and Vimeo videos. It has many unique features like Panorama and Live Re-size. Like other jQuery UI widgets, it is ThemeRoller ready. Development of rlightbox is discontinued at the moment though.


Responsive Lightbox
This is an image-only, responsive, super lightweight, jQuery lightbox plugin.

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Jason 11 years ago
IMO, Likno Web Modal Windows Builders (http://www.likno.com/jquery-modal-windows/index.php) is missing.
Matthias 10 years ago
Hi Kevin, nice Post but a lightweight version is still missing in my mind ... look at this one: http://www.xopt.de/projects/lightweightbox-lwb
Daniel 10 years ago
Thanks for the overview :-)
May you can add this responsive modular lightbox to the post.
That responsive lightbox was build after this post was published and the lightbox can do a lot of thinks and looks amazing.