Inky Deals is a website where creative professionals can get premium design products at unbeatable prices. They have put together an impressive Free Web Design Bundle containing 471 free premium resources along with SitePoint, Designmodo, Vandelay Premier and many others. You can download the bundle instantly and also win some cool prizes by helping Inky promote it.
What can you win?
By participating, you instantly get a chance to win one of the five $50 gift cards offered by Inky. You can use it to buy your favorite design deals- from vectors to templates, patterns, Photoshop brushes, icons, customizable logos, web elements and much more. Or splurge on one of his famous design bundles. Go nuts.
How to participate?
Send out a tweet about the Free Web Design Bundle, adding the special hash tag #inkyfreebundle. To make sure you do it right, just copy and paste this tweet on your profile and hit the Tweet button.
"Inky's FREE Web Design Bundle: 471 Premium Resources #inkyfreebundle"
That's it. Now good luck!
The giveaway ends Tuesday, March 26th. The winners will be chosen through and announced on the Inky Deals blog on March 27th.
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