Giveaway WPScientist AREA53 Premium Responsive WordPress Theme

Written by Kevin Liew on 04 Oct 2012
14,077 Views • Giveaway


WPScientist's back again! Today giveaway is a powerful Premium Responsive WordPress themes called AREA53.

AREA53 is equipped with responsive layout and will display your website in different devices in a perfect fit. Also, worth to mention is its full featured Content Composer to create professional pages in minutes and other features such as tempalte system, image slider, filterable portofil and a dozen more useful features to help you in creating the layout your want.


So, how does the content composer works? Please watch this screencast, it never ceased to amaze me.

Demo Author Portfolio AREA53 details

How can you participate?

  • Follow Queness and WPScientist Twitter account and/or follow us on facebook.
  • Tweet like this: AREA53 Premium Responsive #WordPress Theme Giveaway @quenesswebblog @wpscientist
  • And post a comment on this article before Oct 11, 2012 along with your Twitter ID and valid email address.


Congratulation to our lucky winners. Each of you will receive a copy of this awesome AREA53 WordPress Theme.

  • ARM Exceptional
  • Karan
  • Ashmita Patel
  • Waheed Akhtar
  • Caspy
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scott 12 years ago
Caspy 12 years ago
Robert 12 years ago