16 Javascript Driven Single Page Premium WordPress Themes

Written by Kevin Liew on 07 Aug 2012
38,326 Views • WordPress


If you are looking to have your own portfolio website and set it up fast, you should consider WordPress. WordPress is a famous blogging platform and it also does a pretty good job as a CMS. I have collected 16 Premium WordPress themes that are not only stylis, they are also single page, javascript driven high quality premium WordPress Themes. You can see cool effect, scrolling, subtle animation and user interaction.

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Steve 12 years ago
Sweet templates. Are these available by you for free or are you linking to them for sale?
B 12 years ago
Several of these are not wordpress themes but templates.
Yonatan Ezer 12 years ago
Hallo, I downloaded your Creative theme and I'm trying to instal it in my wordpress site but it doesn't work and there is no documentation that show how to do it...
In the top of this page you say " I have collected 16 Premium WordPress themes"
so how do I do it??