11 Highly Configurable And Flexible Content Sliders

Written by Kevin Liew on 27 Feb 2012
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There are so many image gallery out there, literally hundreds of them. In case you missed it, you can read our previous post about 8 Image Gallery with Impressive transition effects weeks ago.

However, this time, we will not giving you image sliders, we will be focusing on Content Slider. Content slider is different with Image slider. Content slider able to do more than just displaying images in sequence or sometimes random with transition effects. The basic configuration for an image slider would include pause time interval, transition or animation interval, transition effects etc. As for content slider, they are way more robust. It not only displaying images, but also complex HTML content, video and sometimes interactive web elements such as buttons, tooltips and forms.

Content slider usually comes with a handful of configurations to offer the greatest flexibility and customizations to its user. Comparing the HTML structure with image slider, usually, you need to put your content in a panel (wrap your content with a div) to make a slide, and inside the slide, you can style it up any way you want.

In this post, I have collected 10 featured rich, flexible and highly configurable content sliders. They all support images, and media rich content. Take Awkward Showcase as an example, it supports video, images, html content and even has a build in tooltip feature. And another content slider called Sequence JS supports most of latest technologies such as responsive layout, CSS3 transitions, swiping on touch devices and the cool parallax effect.

  • TN3Gallery TN3Gallery jquery image gallery supports responsive design and other cool features such as video support, permalinks and powerful API to allow customization.
  • RoyalSlider RoyalSlider is touch-enabled javascript content slider. Slide anything - images, videos or pure HTML. Its modular architecture allows you to include in build only features that you need to optimize speed and file size.
  • OrbitZurb Image SliderI believe Zurb isn't a stranger to anybody, they have created a lot of cool stuff and experiments especially with CSS3. This time, they have a slick jQuery Image Slider Plugin that support images and html content. However, they have integrate this slider as part of their rapid prototyping framework Foundation, therefore, they no longer support this slider, but it will work well if you didn't do any extreme makeover.
  • Slidorion SlidorionA combination of an image slider and an accordion, the Slidorion displays beautiful images along with a variable length description. With slides linked to each tab, and accompanied by a large array of effects, the Slidorion is a great alternative to the traditional jQuery slider.
  • Slides JS Slides JSSlides is a slideshow plugin for jQuery that is built with simplicity in mind. Packed with a useful set of features to help novice and advanced developers alike create elegant and user-friendly slideshows. It has a few of cool demos that show you how different way of using it.
  • Diapo DiapoDiapo slideshow is an open source project. It comes with many configuration options, transition effect and of course, different types of content such as images, video, and complex html content.
  • TN3Gallery TN3Gallery jquery image gallery supports responsive design and other cool features such as video support, permalinks and powerful API to allow customization.
  • Basic Slider Basic SliderA simple, no-frills, robust jQuery plugin for creating beautiful slideshows for your featured content.Basic jQuery Slider has been developed to be as simple and lightweight as possible. Only the essential functionality has been included combined with clean semantic mark-up. This means instead of removing features and bending it to suit your needs, you can use this slider and as a base and extend it to be as feature rich, or as simple, as you need.
  • Coda Slider Coda SliderCoda Slider, it main aim to mimic the slider effect from Panic Coda. Coda slider isn't built to be an image slider at all. It supports rich HTML content and will work really well to showcase your product features or as a page layout plugin.
  • Caroufredsel CaroufredseljQuery.carouFredSel is a plugin that turns any kind of HTML element into a carousel. It can scroll one or multiple items simultaneously, horizontal or vertical, infinite and circular, automatically or by user interaction. As the name implied, it's actually a carousel, but with the great flexibility and configurations, you can easily transform this into different types of content slider. Make sure you check out its Cool carousel examples section.
  • Awkward Showcase Awkward ShowcaseAwkward Showcase is a plugin for the JavaScript Framework jQuery. We call it a Content Slider. But it can do more then just slide the content. For example you can add tooltips, enable thumbnails, activate dynamic height and lots more. I used this plugin before, it's easy to use and really powerful.
  • Anything Slider Anything SliderAnything slider is the one with huge amount of options, transition effects, callback events if compared to the rest. You can slide anything you want, video, html, images.
  • Sequence JS Sequence JSSequence is the jQuery slider plugin with infinite style. It provides the complete functionality for a website slider without forcing you to use a set theme. In fact, Sequence has no in-built theme, leaving you complete creative control to build a unique slider using only CSS3 -- no jQuery knowledge required! It uses the current animation style - parallax effect. Instead of normal sliding or transition, it move slider content with parallax effect.
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mohammed alamin 13 years ago
Awesome collection loved the dispo one of the best :]
John 13 years ago
Thanks for featuring Basic jQuery Slider (http://basic-slider.com/) - I hope your readers find it useful!
Manny 12 years ago
Thanks for sharing
Federica 12 years ago
Try also the new μslider (http://muslider.musings.it ): very very light and super easy to configure :)
Dustin 12 years ago
If anyone else (like I was) is looking for something a little more customizable, check out Revolver.js (http://revolverjs.com )! It's a slider framework.
Sancho 12 years ago
Does anyone know a good slider that doesn't use jQuery? I'm trying to keep things light
René 12 years ago
Rhinoslider is also a good option. http://rhinoslider.com
pietro 12 years ago
I used http://www.symmetrick.com/products/stslider for one of my projects. Its easy to implement and stable.
Beat 12 years ago
Very helpful article. Thank you very much.

Nathaniel 12 years ago
This is a very handsome collection!
Willy Grmisch 12 years ago
I found this one based on jQuery (with no conflict mode) very useful and totally free: http://www.comslider.com
Fabien 11 years ago
Thanks for the article!
I am looking for a very specific content slide.
A gallery where different images are animated with timer and a mp3 (10 images for instance, one for 1 sec, the second for 5 second, ... and both all this image a mp3), then the gallery continue with for instance 3 images with another mp3.
The gallery can include also local video or youtube video.
And the best the gallery can be composed of other gallery. Image that the previous gallery was called XXX1 (10 images + mp3 and 5 img + mp3 + un youtube video) and another gallery XXX2 with another media.
And then I composed a gallery call XXX3 which include by sequence gallery XXX1 and XXX2!

I know it is really specific! But this is my actual need! It is bad if I have a developped that really specific gallery with all that system which exists!!
Thanks a lot!