Best References and Tutorials To Start Coding With HTML5

Written by Kevin Liew on 19 Oct 2011
21,225 Views • Web Development


Continued from our previous posts on Tips, Tricks and Tools You Will Need to Start Using HTML5 Today. Now we present the second series about References, Presentation, E-Book and Tutorials.

HTML5 is the new kid on the block in web industry, well not entirely new but it has been a hot topic about it especially when we talk about HTML5 as Flash replacement (Don't worry, we are not starting a debate here). The fast development of modern browsers have stimulate the growth of user adaption. No doubt, it's the prime time to pick up HTML5, most Internet company such as Google, Youtube, facebook have already used HTML5 for their website.

This time, we are here to show you the best HTML5 references, ebooks, tutorials on the web. Remind you again: You gotta read our previous HTML5 post to get the best out of it! :) Enjoy!

References, Presentation slides and E-Book

The first part of this post focuses on HTML5 reference materials. Usually visual presentation that help you to understand HTML5 a little better. Also some intensive readings if you want to go in depth.

  • Scrubd in HTML5Scrubd in HTML5A visual presentation of HTML5 by Scribd.
  • HTML5 WTF HTML5 WTFFrom Simon Schoeters, the author: Yet another overview of the changes introduced by HTML5. How does it look like? What is sexy? What is sexy? This presentation, that’s what.
  • Up to Speed on HTML5 and CSS3Up to Speed on HTML5 and CSS3A presentation to Refresh DC about the emerging HTML 5 and CSS 3 standards, namely about aspects that are beginning to become applicable to web design and development. Given by Jason Garber and M. Jackson Wilkinson.
  • Dive into HTML5Dive into HTML5Dive Into HTML5 seeks to elaborate on a hand-picked Selection of features from the HTML5 specification and other fine Standards.
  • HTML5 Quick Learning GuideHTML5 Quick Learning GuideThis guide introduces you to just the main elements of HTML5 that you’ll probably want to use right away. This guide is for those who want to get the basics figured out first, and worry about the finer details later on.
  • HTML5 DoctorHTML5 DoctorIt's a mirror for Five into HTML5 with a really useful element index with all the HTML5 elements.
  • W3c Doc W3c Docw3schools HTML5 tutorial!

HTML5 Tutorials

Here is all the tutorials I found online. These tutorials are well-written and comprehensive to cover most practical and possible implementation of HTML5.


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Elvis 13 years ago
Nice references. Would try to learn basics and new tags in HTML5