How Those Famous Websites Have Evolved Throughout the Years

Written by Kevin Liew on 18 Feb 2010
46,055 Views • Web Design


It's always good to see how technologies have changed the web. Javascript framework, flash animation, new HTML and CSS standards and powerful web browsers have been completely changed the way we use the website. Nowadays, most of the websites encourage user interaction, and due to the advance technologies that has made a lot of impossibilities possible, most of the websites provide greater user friendliness and usability.

Okay, the following is the list of famous websites. I went to wayback machine and searched for those famous websites and take a screenshot of it in few years ago and also their current website. Pretty impressive changes and very encouraging as they all are moving forward with all sort of new technologies. I hope you will enjoy this post :)

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Manmohanjit 15 years ago
Nice stuff.
FireDart 15 years ago
Wow, really shows how the web has evolved.

Great post.
John 15 years ago
OMG... wasnt MSN horrible looking!
Will 15 years ago
MSN actually has a newer site that they're rolling out at some point soon that looks way better than even their current one:
Antonio 15 years ago
Wordpress made a huge leap!
Simon Owen Design 15 years ago
Great article, thanks for posting.
NBA Jerseys 15 years ago
NBA Jerseys 15 years ago
fakh 15 years ago
I liked the old yahoo better = )
Tony Fendall 14 years ago
It would have been nice if you had included dates along with each screen shot...
Webmaster 14 years ago
Excelent Collection