25+ jQuery Plugins that enhance and beautify HTML form elements

Written by Kevin Liew on 15 Apr 2009
556,365 Views • Javascript


This article will cover the following elements:

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Form Skinning

Frustrated with the form elements inconsistency among different browsers? With these jQuery plugins, you can unified the look and feel of all your form elements.

Form Validation

It's always good to have client side form validation. These jQuery plugin will save your times and works by reusing already made form validation.


Masking can help to avoid human mistake. I found these plugins are very helpful to guide users and decrease the chances of bad data.

File Uploader

These file uploader transform the orginal input file element into a more robust file uploader that able to upload multiple files and having a progress bar to indicate the upload progress.

Checkbox & Radio Button

Spice it up your checkbox and radio button with these jQuery plugins!

Spin Button & Slider

Spin button can be useful sometimes. The other alternative will be a slider.

Auto Complete

You must have seen the auto complete functionality from Apple.com, google.com and all the major websites. With the following plugins, we, too can implement it in our websites easily.

Calendar & Time picker

The old school method to let user select date and time are using drop down lists (day, month and year). Now, we can use a calendar, timepicker to replace the old way. Since it's picked from calendar, it decreases the chances of invalid date. I like them.

Drop Down Menu (Select Element)

Want to do more with drop down menu? These plugins able to add more capabilities to drop down menu.

Color Picker

If you are building some online tools that involves colours, I guess you will like the following plugins. jQuery based colour pickers!


Sometimes, we get really annoyed when we have to type in message in such a small space (a textarea), and we have to scroll up and down, left and right (sometimes) to read the entire message. Say no more to scrolling! Add this autogrow/resizer capability to textarea to avoid that.


All the plugins are implemented using jQuery, there are still heaps of them out there. Of course, you might able to find other good stuff which are not made from jQuery. If you wrote jQuery plugin that enhances form, and you think it's really cool. Drop me a comment, I will add it in.

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Jason Huck 16 years ago
Here's another one that some may find useful: Combo Select boxes for moving items back and forth between two lists

Baki Toktas 16 years ago
Nice list, i really like the Icon dropdown box. very useful for multi language websites.
Remo Harsono 16 years ago
great collections !
Lukerative 16 years ago
Great collection! The file upload thing is pretty smart! :)
emri 16 years ago
Great ! Thanks :D

LightForm is a mooTools plugins :'(
kimpilsung 16 years ago
Nice list, ^^
please, give me plugins...
jQuery Tutorials 16 years ago
Great list.... thanks

and it's great that they all utilize progressive enhancement ...

Thanks again...
Monster 16 years ago
Very nice plugins I must say thanks.
โหลดเพลง 16 years ago
Rob 16 years ago
Excellent list of resources. Have based a few articles on my blog on some of thos links.

mohammed rehan rizvi 16 years ago
cool and easy
tomy nugroho 15 years ago
Thanks......... :D
cool and so easy......
tuan 15 years ago