Mobile Apps have become indispensable to millions of people worldwide. These devices have completely revolutionised the lives of the people, business, and marketing.
Cell Phones and Mobile apps have become a necessity to millions of people for their day-to-day services and faster business growth. The popularity of cell phones and applications can be best ascertained by the report of the International Data Corporation (IDC) that says that in the 4th quarter of 2015, the cellphone market grew by 9.7 percent, and in 2016, the market is expected to cross 1.5 billion. Statista, The Statistic Portal also reports that by 2017, one-third of the world’s population or 2.6 billion people around the world will be using Smartphones.
Together with Smartphones, Mobile apps have also become equally popular among the common people and business throughout the world, and they are using these apps for multiple applications. In the last five years, these apps have also become most downloaded devices in the world. The Statistic Portal informs that by 2017, more than 269 billion apps will be downloaded by the users for general, business, and marketing uses.
Mobile apps have become a vital tool for businesses. These apps can perform multiple tasks for them. A company can use these applications for selling, advertising, and marketing their products, increasing the flow of the customers, coordinating with buyers, vendors, clients, and workers. Today, no business can hope to grow faster and attract a greater number of buyers without these applications. These apps have become a most valuable business promotional tool for organizations.
There are few basic reasons why these apps are widely used by the businesses for the faster growth and marketing of their business.
1. Marketing
There is also no denying that the success of a business largely depends on the effective marketing, selling, and promoting the brand of the business. The companies can develop custom mobile apps development that expose and advertise their businesses and provide all relevant details about their products and organizations. Millions of Smartphone users can download these apps for product info and buy the products of the company.
2. Coordination, Networking, and Communication
Mobile apps can facilitate better coordination between buyers, sellers, and vendors. The buyers and vendors can find all necessary information such as prices, purchase order requirements, discounts, payments, despatch details and other sale related information on the apps. These applications also offer free chatting and messaging services. The companies can quickly respond to buyer’s queries and enquiries and satisfy their needs quickly through these apps. The organizations not only transact their business and sale through applications, but also coordinate with the buyers and vendors regarding inventories, purchase order, dispatches, payments, and other queries. Better coordination is ideal for retaining customers and building buyer’s trust.
3. Business Promotion
The success of business solely depends on how you attract customers to your products. Previously, companies used to spend millions of dollars on brand promotions and advertisements through paper, offline tools, and online media. However, these options have certain limitations and also more expensive. These processes also caused a lengthy delay in promoting the products to the buyers. But, through mobile applications, these delays have drastically reduced. Today, companies can expose their products to millions of Smartphone users through these apps.
4. Promotional Schemes
Start-ups or even well-established businesses need buyers for their products. They cannot hope to run their business without sufficient customers for their products. The lack of sufficient customers can put the company in a loss or force it to shut down. All these reasons have made it necessary for companies to launch various lucrative business promotional schemes, discounts, coupons, gift vouchers, events, and free offers. These promotional schemes can be successfully launched and conveyed to buyers through these custom mobile applications. These options have not only increased the flow of the buyers to the business and increased the sale of the company but also retained these customers.
5. Increased Productivity
Apps are also becoming highly popular for increasing the productivity of the business. The staffs, employees, and workers can download these apps for better communication, coordination and networking with each other. They can also promptly share any information and act accordingly for healthy growth of the company.
6. Development
Mobile apps are becoming an ideal tool for receiving buyer’s feedbacks on the company services and products. The organization can act promptly on these feedbacks and take necessary steps to satisfy buyer’s needs and suggestions. These procedures also help companies beat their competitions and remain one step ahead of their competitors.
The start-ups and fully established companies that are not using apps can seek the services of Mobile app developers for developing apps suitable to their requirements because these apps can take their businesses to newer heights. The iphone app development company can develop custom apps for for different platforms like iPhone, Android, iPad, Blackberry, and others. They can even make apps for social networking sites like Facebook and others for networking and business promotions.
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