Giveaway: Live Composer - Front-End Content Creator For WordPress

Written by Kevin Liew on 17 Feb 2014
22,672 Views • Giveaway

WordPress has been a great CMS platform. Created as a blogging platform from the start, there are many tools and plugins created to make WordPress CMS intuitive, more features and easy to use. Today we are really glad to have this absolutely fabulous giveaway - Live Composer, Front-End content creator for WordPress.

Modification to WordPress theme is not an easy task, you need coding experiences and you need to know multiple languages - HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. Live Composer can eliminate that and we're giving 3 copies of it to 3 of our lucky readers.

What is Live Composer?

Live Composer

Live Composer is a front-end content builder plugin for WordPress with 28+ modules ( and more to come ) packed with functionality and styling options that allow countless variations to be made easily and without any coding.


You can install it on your existing theme. Once it's installed, you will get a robust drag and drop content composer in the CMS. Here are some of the notable features:

Live Feedback

In Live Composer, the content of you pages is built directly on the page, right there in the front-end. This allows you instant feedback on the changes you make and removes the need to go back and forth between the back-end and the front-end.

Extends the theme

Besides the usual modules such as buttons, text, accordions, Live Composer comes with special post types like Projects, Galleries, Downloads, Testimonials, Staff and Partners which push any theme to the next level.

Module Options

Each of the modules comes with many functionality and styling options which allows countless variations to be made easily and without any coding. Want to change paddings, margin, font size, font families, border, background… it’s EASY.

Responsive Options

Easily adjust the modules for tablets and phones with the help of numerous simple to use options that each of the modules comes with.

Great documentation and video tutorial

It's useless if you have the greatest tool but lousy documentations and guides. Rest assured, Live Composer is well-supported. There are many video tutorials, documentations and also an interactive tutorial.

The Giveaway

How can you participate?

  1. Follow Queness's and LiveComposerWP Twitter.
  2. Tweet this: Live Composer - Front-End Content Creator For WP Giveaway @quenesswebblog #WordPress
  3. And post a comment on this article before Febraury 21, 2014 along with your Twitter ID and valid email address.
  4. Done.

Good luck!


We have randomly picked our 3 lucky winners! If you missed out this giveaway and really want it, you can go to its themeforest page and purchase from there. :)

  • Ignet
  • Zackary
  • kaburu
Join the discussion

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kaburu 11 years ago
Looks like a great product, loved the video, hope its as easy and as quick to learn as it looks :)
kaburutz 11 years ago
nht2007 11 years ago
My Twitter: Nht2007
Minerve 11 years ago
Wow, I've tried the online demo and it's really impressive ! Really seems as the best content composer for WP today !

Zackary 11 years ago
Awesome drag-and-drop content composer. Love the live feedback feature.
nht2007 11 years ago
Hello, when Giveaway end?
Hii :)
Ignet 11 years ago
Twitter ID: ignet_studio<at>
Serg 11 years ago
Would also love to get the plugin for a share :)