Stunning CSS3 Animation Text Effect with Textillate.js

Written by Kevin Liew on 04 Mar 2013
40,935 Views • Javascript


Textillate.js is an amazing jQuery plugin that creates stunning CSS3 text animation. It's built on top of the famous animate.css which contains a bunch of cool and cross-browser animations and also the popular lettering.js.

Creating CSS3 animation effect is pretty easy with Textillate.js. Simple include all the required libraries and dependencies, you can add those effect with the following code.

$(function () {
    $('.tlt').textillate({ in: { effect: 'rollIn' } });

Or, you can declare the effect with data html attribute.


There are quite a bit of options you can play with:

  • Loop control, auto start, initial delay.
  • define in and out effects.



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1 comment
SAM 12 years ago
This Code Tutorial is required .... plz